Chapter 3

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I was sitting in class when Alex handed me a note. While handing it to me her hands were shaking. I opened up the note. It said:

"Stop trying. They don't like it. You'll get us all in trouble.

Please Paris. You're hurting us. They'll make you pay.

It looks like they already started. Behave.


What? Honestly, I don't know if she was just trying to mess with me or she's being serious. If she wasn't just being weird, what was she talking about. She looked back at the board. I looked over at Cameron. She was staring at the board intently. She also looked scared. I figured she read the note. I wasn't exactly trying to read it in secret, so I suppose she looked over and read it. Then the bell rang. Everyone stood up and left. Cameron and Alex left the fastest. Alex was running and Cameron was walking fast keeping her eyes on Alex. I started walking fast and followed them. They walked into a room with no sign above it. I looked around and slowly went in. I guess they didn't hear me enter because they didn't turn my way.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Cameron pinned Alex to the wall. "I-I'm sorry I know I'm not supposed to." "YOU COULD GET KILLED FOR THIS!" Cameron screamed at Alex. "I know but I'm willing to take that risk." Cameron backed up away from Alex. "If they find out you told her, even hinting on something they won't just kill you." Alex looked at the floor. "They will also hurt her, her family, and do horrible things to her friends! Do you really want that, Alex!?" I don't know what was more surprising, Alex hugging Cameron or Cameron talking to her and saying her name. "I'm sorry Cameron, I won't do anything else." Alex started to leave the room. "Also act normal around Miller so they don't get suspicious." Alex left the room. Miller was my last name. Were they talking about me? If they were then who is "Them" and "They"? Were they talking about the teachers? Cameron sighed. She whispered to herself, "I'll do my best to keep you safe. I can only do that if you stay away from me..." She left the room. I waited a couple minutes to make sure they already got to class. Then I left the room.

I started walking to my next class. Then I saw Cameron running down the hallway. "Cameron, where are you going?" She stopped next to me panting. "I-it's your friend." "Who? Alex?" She nodded. "What happened!" She pointed to the window across from us. "Might want to go outside and find out. That's where I'm going right now." Cameron kept running and I followed after her. Once we were outside there already a large crowd around one area. We heard the sirens off in the distance. I moved through the crowd to catch a glimpse of what was going on.

I couldn't believe what I saw. Alex was laying down on her back, blood pooling around her stomach. "What happened...?" I looked at Cameron. She was shaking. She walked over to Alex and sat on her knees next to her. She put some sort of ceramic figure in her hands and placed her hands on her chest. She used her hand to close her eyes. Now she looked more at peace. I walked over to Cameron. I could see the figure through the cracks of Alex's fingers. It was a fairy. It looked similar to Alex but not completely. There were also words engraved in the bottom of the fairy. I sat down to try to look closer. I saw words although I didn't know what they meant. "What do they mean?.." Cameron looked at me. "What does that mean?" Her eyes widened. "You don't know what that means?" I shrugged. She shook her head disapprovingly. "You'll have to figure it out." She stood up and walked away. I couldn't have sworn I saw tears in her eyes.

After a couple minutes the crowd cleared away. I saw Cameron walking over here with Principal Abrams. I quickly hid between the crack that separated the two sides of the school. The principal leaned over Alex. Cameron had tears in her eyes. It looked like she was trying her best not to let them fall. "How could you let this happen Cameron!" She stood up and put her hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault she hinted Paris!" She shook her head. "Cameron, this is going to be hard to explain to the police. They are going to start coming more often if this keeps happening. You have to keep stuff like this from happening! You didn't do your job now look what happened!" Cameron stopped holding back her tears and let them flow. "It's not my fault!" She turned her head away. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT CAMERON! IT ALWAYS IS!" Principal Abrams kept yelling random stuff. Then she finally stopped. She started walking away then stopped. "Your own flesh and blood are dead because of you. I hope you carry the shame of the fact that you killed your sister." I gasped. They looked over to where I was. Principal started walking towards me. I saw the window open. I realized I might just want to do it. So, I climbed through the window.

It was an empty storage room. I went to the corner and hid behind some boxes. I couldn't believe the fact that Alex was Cameron's sister! Cameron scrambled through the window. She hit her head on a desk. She cried out in pain. "I'll let you out tomorrow, Cameron. That's your punishment. Make sure you spend your time repenting for what you did." Principal Abrams shut the window. I couldn't believe what she just did. Then I saw her walk away. I don't get why she would do that. I stood up. Cameron whipped her head towards me. She covered her face, "What are you doing here." I walked over to her. She sat against the wall. I sat next to her. "I'm sorry." She looked at her feet. It seemed like she was thinking. "How long have you been here?" She wiped her face with her hand. "A while." She looked at me. She looked scared. Everything I heard I'm not sure I was supposed to hear. "I heard all of it." I looked back at her. Her hands were shaking. "Oh god..." She hugged her knees tight to her chest. "You weren't supposed to hear that. Now they're going to go to me." I honestly couldn't understand it. "Who is coming for you?" She turned her head away. "Maybe they didn't notice. Maybe they'll spare me. If so, I can't tell you. They will definitely have to get rid of me if I say anything." I placed my hand on her hand. "Cameron, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on. I already made one person die. I don't want there to be another." She frowned sadly at me. "You can't help." 

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