Chapter 8

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I left the apartment and was walking around in the grocery store that was around the corner. I had to collect food. Cameron saw me leave. She didn't even try to stop me. For all I know she used the paper and went back and left me here to die. Something is happening to me. I feel like I'm being secretive and rude. We need to leave. I said to myself. How are we supposed to leave though? We need to sever the connection between our world and this world. How do we do that though? Do we need to break an object? Destroy all the pathways by lighting them on fire or something? Then it came to me. Something that connects both worlds. My heart skipped a beat. My stomach got tied up in knots. I collapsed onto the tiled floor of the store. Something that connects both worlds. Then I threw up. Right onto the dirty, nasty store floor. It was like my stomach turned itself inside-out.

After putting a bunch of food in a bag and started walking back to the apartment. I wiped my mouth on the sleeve of my shirt. My throat burned. Tears threatened to fall. I know how to sever the connection. I know what has to happen. So this world will never be severed. I will not do it. I will not sever the worlds from each other. All I have to do is make sure Cameron doesn't find out how.

I stood in front of Cameron's door , my stomach still tied up in a knot. I knocked. She swung the door open and pulled me in. She held my shoulders. "What did you do!" I couldn't handle this. I didn't do anything. "Nothing. Here's the food." I handed her the bag. She grabbed the bag, took it to the kitchen and came back. "You killed the rat Paris!" She said angrily. "It bit me. It wouldn't let go. After I tried to pry it off but it only bit me harder. What else was I supposed to do?"

"Anything but that!" She yelled at me. I can't handle big changes. I can't handle not eating. I get weak. When I'm weak I have no choice but to give up. Then I fell onto the floor. My vision started going black. I felt my head hit something. Pain. Only pain and the cold floor. 

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