Chapter 5

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I was laying uncomfortably in the back seats of the car. Cameron had said that "it's not that cold at night and the car is super comfortable". It was cold. It was not "super comfortable".

 Also, I had already seen an unpleasant amount of bugs. Deciding I had had enough I got up, crawled to the front of the car and started going through the vans to Cameron's "room". She was sitting up against the wall staring at nothing in particular. "I don't want to sleep in that car." 

I crossed my arms stubbornly. She sighed irritably. "Fine! Sleep wherever you want." She laid down and turned away to look at the wall of the van. I bent down and laid next to her. I pulled the blankets over me and set my head next to hers on the now clean pillow. I looked at the roof of the van which was white and plain except for the random lines and shapes made from spray paint. "Why are you laying here?" She said without turning over. 

"You have the blankets, the mattress, and a pillow. Where else did you expect me to go?" I turned my head. Her hair was knotted and dirty. Mine probably was too. Then she turned over to her other side. "I don't know, and I don't really care. You better not move around a lot." I smiled. "I won't. Good night." Cameron turned back over. "Good night."

In the morning I was awoken by a bunch of noise. I leaned up and saw Cameron up against the van wall clutching her knees against her chest. She put her finger up to her lips. "What's wrong?" I whispered. Her eyes widened and she looked at the van doors quickly. The noise continued and she looked over at me. "Be quiet, they have really good hearing." She whispered to me. Then the loud noises stopped. I slowly went closer to Cameron. 

Then the door slowly started opening. I grabbed the blanket that fell on the floor and threw it over Cameron and sat in front of her protectively. I could feel my heart beating. I was scared. I had a right to be. What I saw next was terrifying, hideous, disgusting, and horrifying. It was a shadow. Except it was darker. It had eye sockets dripping blood but no eyes. It had a mouth full of sharp little teeth covered in blood but no lips. It was tall and creepy. It had ragged hair that went to its shoulders. It just stood there with its head facing my direction. I slowed my breathing and attempted to stay still. It had four arms and four legs. It almost looked like a spider. A very ugly one at that. It edged towards us. I took a deep breath and held it. Then on its four legs it scurried away. I exhaled loudly and slowly pulled the blanket off of Cameron. She looked as she had before except for the deep scratches on her arms and a single one on her face. I put my hand on her hand. "What happened?" I sat up against the wall beside her.


"I went out to see what was going on. Then I met one of the citizens of "The Shadow Side". They aren't very welcoming." Should I hug her? Would she get mad? Maybe I should just look for bandages. Maybe she wants me to leave her alone. I'm not sure why any of that was going through my head. Just last night I hugged her without thinking twice. I stopped thinking and hugged her. She pulled away from me and stood up. "I'm going to go get myself cleaned up." Then she left. I knew I shouldn't have hugged her. I shouldn't have done anything. After I was done beating myself up about what I did I went to go check on Cameron. I started going through all the vans, but I didn't see her in any of them. I went outside and didn't see her. 

If she can run off and do whatever she wants, so can i. I walked over to the fence that kept trespassers out. There was a small gap just barely big enough for someone to fit. The gate was held with a lock. How am I supposed to get through this? Then I had an idea. I looked around the junkyard for a tiny scrap piece of metal. It didn't take very long to find one because it was a junkyard. I stuck the piece of metal into the lock and tried moving it around. I wasn't that good at lockpicking, but I could still do it. Then to my surprise it opened. Yes! I opened the gate and shut it and locked it back up. I put the piece of metal in my pocket to make sure I wouldn't have to climb the fence. Even if that was the only way I probably wouldn't. It had rusty barbed wire at the top. If i didn't die from the fall i would probably die from a disease from getting rust in my blood. There weren't really any buildings around the junkyard. If there was, they were abandoned. I looked over and saw the large sign that you first see entering the town. It said "Welcome to Sky high view!" The paint was fresh and shining in the sun. I'm not sure why it's called "Sky high view". The town is small and not on a mountain. Past the sign is the long road that lays across the large green meadows. What are those? Out in the distance I saw things in the meadow.

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