Chapter 2

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My phone alarm woke me up in the morning. I got ready for school then went downstairs. I was hungry but I knew we didn't have anything to eat. I opened my door, locked the bottom lock then shut it. I started the boring walk to school. The school wasn't that far from my house. It was only a couple blocks away. I started walking down the street. I saw a girl come out of her house. Her house was right across from mine. I figured she went to my school. I crossed the street and went over to her. "Um hi." She looked at me. It was Cameron. "Hey Cameron. I didn't know you lived right across from me." She pulled her hood over her head. "Does it matter?" She sounded upset. "Did something happen?" She ignored me. "You can tell me." She shook her head. "You can tell me. We are friends, aren't we?" She looked at me. "We aren't friends, and we never will be." She started walking faster. "Wait for me." I started walking faster to match her pace. "It's fine. I don't care if no one will like me. I want to be your friend!" She stopped walking and looked at me. "Why can't you understand! Just leave me alone!" I was going to protest but she pushed me. Hard. I fell onto the floor. Other people walking looked at me and started walking faster. I stood up and dusted myself off. Cameron ran off towards the school. I looked at my hands. They were bleeding. My knees were also scraped up. I guess my first stop at school was the nurse's office.

I felt like someone, or something was watching me again. I looked around but didn't see anyone. Then my eyes stopped on the tree in the park I had seen yesterday. I started walking faster, eager to get away from the tree. Once I was inside the school gate I immediately went inside. I saw the same group of boys I had asked directions from yesterday morning standing in the hall talking. Some of them I recognized because they had stopped Alex from going home. I walked over to them. "Excuse me, do you know where the nurse's office is?" The same one that talked to me yesterday looked at me. "Yeah." Everyone in his group looked at me. "Can you tell me where it is?" He nodded. "Yeah sure." He paused, "You had a bad fall from the looks of it." "Yeah, I did." Now I am getting impatient. "The nurses office is two doors away from the principal's office." One of his friends whispered something to the other and started laughing. I could tell it was something about me because they were still looking at me. "Well thank you for your time." He smiled, "No problem." He turned away and kept talking with his friends. I started walking to the stairs when I felt the gaze of eyes on me. I turned around and yet, still no one was there. I kept walking.

I was sitting in the nurse's office waiting for her to grab towels and bandages. She came back. "Sorry I took so long. I don't have any band aids by the way." She set scissors and the roll up of bandages on a small table. "It's fine." She started wrapping it around my hand. And around each of my fingers tightly. Then she cut it and taped it. She did the same with my other hand. Then she wrapped the bandages around my knees and cut and taped it. By the time she was done it felt like my circulation was being cut off. Maybe it was. It looked like I was wearing gloves without the finger part. So, it looked cool, I guess. "Thanks, uh nurse." She smiled, "Mrs. Lynn." I nodded. "Thanks Mrs. Lynn." She opened the door and I left. I was late again. On my second day. I started going downstairs then the principal's door opened. "Paris, what are you doing out of class?" She looked at me disapprovingly. "Oh, um I was in the nurse's office." Her eyes widened and she looked at my hands and knees. "Oh my! What happened dear?" She said her voice full of concern. "Oh, nothing too serious, I only fell." She sighed. "Thank goodness. I thought maybe you had gotten into a fight or something. Be more careful." I nodded and turned around. I'm pretty sure bad luck had gotten to me. Because next thing I know I trip and fall onto the floor. Principal Abrams ran over to me. "Are you alright! Oh my, you clumsy clumsy girl." I stood back up. "I'm alright. I'm going to head off to class now." She smiled and nodded. "Ok dear you be careful don't fall again." I wouldn't admit it. I would just blame it on my bad luck. Or my untied shoes. But I could've sworn someone pushed me. 

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