Chapter 6

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 I stood up and something on the bookshelf caught my eye.

It was a tiny little silver camera. I picked it up. I clicked the "on" button. I clicked the image button to look at the pictures. Pictures of two people popped up. A teenage girl with short black hair with blonde highlights. A boy with dark brown hair was next to her. I handed the camera to Cameron. She looked at the picture for a couple seconds then hugged it and smiled.

 I can't believe all this bad stuff happened to her. If i had not passed through a portal, almost got killed twice, lost my parents, seen Alex dead i probably wouldn't have believed her. I can only hope I will make it out of here alive. Both of us.

We had dusted the whole room and rearranged the furniture. It looked like a whole new room. We had found some paint sealed up in the bathroom and repainted the names on the doors. Cameron wanted her dad's room so I got her moms room. I sat on what was now my bed. It all felt so surreal. My parents are dead. One of the only real friends I had is dead. 

We're in another world. I hadn't really had the time for all of this to sink in. I guess all of it would never really seem real. I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it. Cameron was standing there shaking. "What's wrong?" I asked as I had many times before that. 

"Paris- I'm part shadow..." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into "her" room. She grabbed a tiny book that was laying on the floor and started flipping through the pages. She stopped in the middle of the book. "It's my mom's diary." She handed me the diary. I read the whole page. It was inconceivable. "So your dad is a shadow...?" She nods. "My mom lied. Caleb wasnt the dad. A shadow was." Something doesn't seem right. "Maybe a shadow didn't kill Caleb." "What?" She said offensively. "Your mom lied about Caleb being your dad. Maybe your mom killed Caleb because he read her diary and found out. He could have asked her about it and she told him to give up and leave this world. But before they left she killed him and left him dead somewhere." She glared at me. "That doesn't explain why she was upset for the next ten years about it." "No, it makes sense. She felt bad because she was happy with him and tried to find someone else to feel the emptiness it left her." She shook her head. "I won't believe it." I shrugged. "Believe it or not Cameron, it's not my problem. But if your real dad is a shadow that means that some shadows are intelligent." She snatched the book from my hand. "Get out of here I need time to think." She turned her back to me. "But Cameron-" "No! Get out of here!" Without thinking again I left her room.

I went back to my room. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I heard a crash and sat up quickly. A couple books fell from the bookcase. A paper fell from the shelf too. Leaving the books on the floor, I picked up the paper. It was a drawing? I turned it over. There was a bunch of messy writing. I squinted trying to make sense of it. It was saying how to make a portal back to our world. 

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