Chapter 11

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                                                                                 CAMERON'S POV

She's gone. I didn't even do anything to try to save her.

I could've.

I really could've.

But I didn't. I didn't do anything but stand there and stare as he tore her apart. Her blood spilled everywhere. All over the floor.

It's my fault. I could've done something. Anything. Now I'm crying and screaming at the Shadow. He killed her. Now he's eating her. I look down helplessly as he finishes and start licking her blood from the hot and dirty concrete. He looks up at me.

Stalking his prey. Ready to pounce. I have to get out of here. For her.

I run over to the broken down elevator that I once climbed with her. I use my one hand and my feet to start climbing up.It's not fair. I shouldn't be the one alive right now. I get to the floor with the rooms and rush to Paris's. There is chalk and salt on the floor. I grab the chalk and use my fingernails to scrape bits off into a circle. At this point I'm willing to do anything to get out of here. After I finish the circle of chalk, I grab the small bag of salt and start to make a circle with it. I hear a large clatter and I drop the bag. "No!" I exclaim I get on my knees to grab the bag. Then the door to the room falls down and I see the Shadow standing there, blood dripping from its head. "PLease go away!" I plead even though it won't do anything. "I just want to leave! Let me go.." I cry and hit the floor with my hand. I grab the bag and finish the circle. I crawl into the circle expecting to leave this world. "No. NO. WHY ISN'T IT WORKING!" The Shadow looks at me as if it finds it amusing that I can't leave. I can't let Paris's death be for nothing. I rush to the window furthest away from the Shadow. I look out and see fire everywhere. I smell smoke inside the building. It's as if my fate is sealed. The Shadow is going down. Except I'm going down with it. I'm sorry Paris. All this for nothing. I see fire behind the Shadow. It's as if the Shadow knows that it can't escape this. If it hadn't just eaten the only person i've ever cared about, i might feel bad for it. Maybe. I really am sorry Paris. The floor crumbled beneath me. I love you too, Paris. Even though we were doomed from the start.

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