Jaune's Arc

69 2 0

""= people talky bits
[]= robot talky bits
{[]}= setting change



"Why the heck would they split up teams for classes?" Nathan mutters next to you, watching Oobleck zip around the classroom.

You shrug. "It is a little silly yeah." You look over to Blake and Pyrrha who sat next to you. On the other side of the room, Jaune is asleep with Cardin sitting behind him.

"Yes! Yes prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, more properly known as the Faunus War," oobleck continued his lecture, "humanity was quite, quite adamant about centralizing faunus population to Menagerie." He sips his drink. "Now! While this might seem like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember these are relatively recent events! The repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!" He zips around the room as he speaks, at quite an impressive speed. "Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your faunus heritage?"

A few hands raise in the classroom. Nathan wordlessly raises his hand, as does Velvet in front of you. You notice Blake scowling a bit.

"Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! I mean just look at the White Fang!" Looking over you see Cardin folding a piece of paper, grinning down at Jaune.

Oobleck zips in front of you. "Now Mr. Nightingale, can you tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?"

"The Battle of Fort Castle." You answered.

Nathan rolls his eyes, "What genius came up with that name?" A few chuckles come from the class.

"Precisely! Now, who can tell me the advantage the faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

You look over to Cardin, seeing him about to flick a paper football at Jaune. With a flick of your finger, you grab it with your biotics, sending it back at Cardin's face.

"Ah- hey!" He yells at you, waking the blonde boy.

"Ah, Mr. Winchester!" Oobleck exclaims. "Finally contributing to class, excellent! Most excellent! What is your answer?"

The bully huffs. "Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier."

"Oh, that explains why you're so good at fighting," Nathan says, getting another round of laughs from the class. Cardin glares at him.

"Hey shut it you spider freak."

"You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you Cardin?" Pyrrha asks him with a hint of malice.

"What? You got a problem?" He snaps, turning his attention to her.

"Most people in this school have a problem Cardin, and it's you being here." Nathan shoots at him, glaring back.

Oobleck zips to the front of the room. "Students, students. Please save it for Ms. Goodwitch's sparring class." He looks to Pyrrha. "Ms. Nikos, do you have the answer?"

"I do. It's night vision. Many faunus are known to have nearly-perfect vision in the dark."

"General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the faunus in their sleep," Blake added. "His army was outmatched, and the General was captured." She looks over to Cardin with a smirk. "Perhaps if he had paid attention in class, he wouldn't be remembered as such a failure."

Some of the students ooo at her comment, and Jaune starts laughing. Cardin growls, standing up.

"Mr. Winchester please take your seat." Oobleck scolds, zipping in front of the two. "You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional reading. Class is not for napping Mr. Arc."

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