Duel at the Docks

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A/N: Get ready for some backstories and some action let's go!

Also, your BT is heavily modified, so he has access to multiple Cores! Yes, this might make him a bit overpowered but this is more fun!
All of the Monarch Cores are enabled by default.
He has a Flight Core that operates similarly to how Viper did in the campaign, but he can't fly for extended periods.
He has a Smart Core that works with the X0-16 and 40mm as well as the Predator Cannon.
The Flame Core has been replaced with a Dust Core, meaning he can cover a large area in any element type of dust he has equipped.
The Sword Core temporarily doubles his movement and attack speeds.
And my personal favorites, the Salvo Core and Laser Cores operate pretty much as normal.
(yes im a Tone and Ion main fight me about it)

And if anyone has an idea for the name of your sword lemme know.

""= people talky bits
[]= robot talky bits
{[]}= setting change



The remainder of teams LNAR and RWBY were out on the streets of Vale, searching for their missing teammates.

Ruby sighs. "Oh... They've been gone all day..."

"Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself," Weiss says, unworried. "Plus (Y/N) is probably with her, for whatever reason."

"Because he's worried about her?" Anna tilts her head, giving the white-haired girl a look.

"Weiss come on, she's our teammate," Yang says, crossing her arms.

"Is she?" The heiress questions. "We all heard what she said last night."

"Weiss." Ruby scolds, growing at her.

"Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she and (Y/N) are missing, and we need to find them." Yang continues.

Weiss huffs a bit. "A member of the White Fang, right under our noses."

"Remind me why we brought her?" Nathan growls, clearly still upset about last night.

"Oh don't you even start," the heiress glares at him. "As far as I'm concerned you have some explaining to do yourself! How do we know that you aren't a part of the White Fang too?!"

The redhead turns around, glaring back at her. "Oh so now I'm a suspect? I thought yesterday there was 'no way I could have ever been associated with those degenerates'?"

"Well I thought the same thing about Blake, but it's clear I was wrong about that."

Nathan lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Oh, you've been wrong about more than just that Ice Queen."

"Lock it down, both of you!" Luna orders, stepping between the two and pushing them away from each other. "Regardless of who's right and who's wrong, Blake is missing. And my darling idiot brother in all his noble chivalrous nonsense has followed her to help her with whatever hangups she has."

Ruby nods in agreement with her fellow leader. "Right. We need to find them and get this mess sorted out, and we all need to help do it."

Weiss perks up. "Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police."

"Ugh, Weiss..." Ruby growls, clearly starting to get fed up with her partner's attitude.

"It was just an idea!"

"Yeah, a bad one." Anna scoffs, walking ahead.

"Weiss I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions," Yang reasons as the group starts walking again.

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