Chapter II : Irenic

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As luck may have it, it keeps giving more misery to young Callista. First meeting senior Alexander Thorne, who shockingly was the first to confront and handle Callista's prideful and over self esteem self. Secondly, being her Chemistry professor was unluckily, dear Alexander's father.

Disliking of how Alexander provoked Callista's power and status, and she isn't going to deny, what he did intimidated her, and that angered her. Never once anyone had stood up against her, she would've gone berserk if it was some other person. But seeing how her senior acted in front of her, it sparked up something she hasn't felt in a while.


She wasn't going to lose to a man older than her when she's worked hard for everything 'till now. Exempting of course some bribery moments to avoid red marks on her record.

Instead of listening to the lecture, she took out an extra journal and wrote down notes-not about the lesson but about the SSG application-for her future partylist.

The Hour and a half lecture was coming to an end, and therefore she quickly arranges her things back inside her backpack and left the room after the professor had finished his closing remarks. Of course she dragged her best friend April with her as they went to the Academy's faculty office to submit her application.

Knocking on the door thrice, the two entered with one of the faculty approving and she hurries down to the Student Government Department.

She places down the journal along with the poster instantly while the lady behind the desk slowly averts their attention to the objects dropped on the table.

"I'd like to join the elections for the Supreme Student Government, if I may have the needed forms to fill, may I please have it now. ASAP." Callista orders immediately as she looks straight to the lady's eyes.

"Name." The lady replied, grabbing papers from under the desk and stapling them together, waiting patiently for a reply. "Callista Hayes. Can I get the papers now? It's urgent." Callista groans impatiently as she taps her feet, hand reached out waiting for the papers.

The lady sighs in disbelief from the utter disrespect the spoiled brat was treating her with. Handing her the papers, she looks back to her computer to get back to work, not paying an ounce of attention to the student.

"Fill this up at the table there and give it back to me after." She directs sternly. Callista grabs a pen and plops down on an empty chair, filling up the form with her best friend just staring on what she was doing.

"So what exactly do you plan on doing?" April asks, completely dumbfounded and mind empty on what was about to happen.

"This operation will be called Irenic. To promote peace in this shitty school led by that asshole." She rants once again while filling up the necessarry things to be filled up.

"But uh, how are you planning on doing that?" April questions, "I mean, not to put you down or anything, that asshole is the one ruling senior high.. not you."

"You know April it's best if you keep your little mouth shut." Callista spat, side-eyeing her best friend. April nods in defeat and keeps silent as she lets her friend do what she did best-handling affairs.

She walks over to the lady behind the desk and places down one of the forms and placing it inside her envelope folder.

"The form says I may have a week to gather people required for the positions of the board. I'll pass the second form by then. Thank you." She says and leaves without saying another word. Her best friend following her obediently as they first visited their lockers.

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