Chapter V : Alex and Callista

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Alexander helps out the lady to his office, making her sit down on the ruby coloured mid-century designed couch as he offered her his black blazer. She hesitantly takes it and wears it over her shoulders as Alexander sat down on his swivel chair, playing with his rings as he watched the lady compose herself. He waited until her tears stopped to fall, letting her take her time to take all the events in. She sniffled, wiping her tears and properly fixing herself as she tied up her hair. There was a moment of silence between the two, before she spoke up and asked the very question that popped up into her head the very moment he started the speech:


Alexander's gaze softened as he looked at the fragile girl sitting on the couch. He thought for a moment if the lady was really asking why he would help her at an incident like this. Is this not normal for her? He tilted his head, asking, "Why did I help you or why did I tell it to the public?"

"Both." Was her only reply, the older male's face relaxes as he sighs, playing with the ring on his finger as he moved side to side on his chair. "A lady like you doesn't deserve that kind of treatment especially when you've done nothing wrong." He spoke, eyes down, avoiding eye contact with the lady who just kept her eyes directly at him. Callista's face still displays anxiety and fear, as she felt as if eyes were still staring at her.

"How did you know?" She asked, it was the most questionable question right at that very moment from the lady. "Not a lot of people know, but I hang out at the stairwell often, the noise outside just makes me uncomfortable so I stay there at peace to get away from everything." As soon as he said that, Callista's eyes shot wide as she stood up, blazer dropping to the floor as she stumbled walking towards the older male. Luckily enough he catches her, eyes staring directly to her golden ones. "I saw and heard it, everything." He continued. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at him, embarassed, she drops to the floor and cries even more, covering up her face, too ashamed to face the senior.

"Everything?" She whispered between her sobs, peeking through her fingers as she saw him nodding his head, agreeing. Her heart broke as she sobbed, Alexander held her waist and her arm, supporting her up as he takes her back to the couch. "I won't tell a soul, I promise." Alexander said, directly just looking at her, rubbing her back to help her calm down. "This is so embarassing." She laughed sarcastically, wiping away the pearls sliding down from her eyes.

"Nothing's ever embarassing Darling, especially crying. It's perfectly okay." He assures her. That day he saw her at the stairwell, crying, scared, trembling, screaming, he wanted to rush to her and hold her, tel her everything was going to be alright, that she'd no longer be treated like that and whoever did would pay. No one was to treat other people so ill, and when he saw her that day, he knew someone was to be punished.

And seeing her crying in his arms now, he definitely could say to his self that he was about to enter something far more dangerous now. This girl had him on his knees, wrapped around her finger, in a chokehold, and everything else. Something about her was pulling him, making him do things he thought was only to be seen in clichè books and movies. But upon meeting the Callista Hayes, eversince then, she was all that was in his mind. She was a drug, that he was unable to resist now.

"B-But how did you know about the comments?" She asked, head looking up at him, eyes and nose red and puffy as he wiped away the continous tears flooding down her cheeks. "I asked April if she could give me your email address, so I could trace them down, turns out I did and I know who they are. I deleted your account in my devices as well, if you don't trust me you can look at my phone or the logged account devices in your phone." He explained, opening up his phone and showing her that her account was no longer logged in there. Likewise she checked as well, and like he said, there was no account of hers logged in his device.

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