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Skinny Jeans » z.m

Casey's POV

When my alarm goes off Monday morning, I'm stuck wishing my brother would have burned it up with the rest of my old house. The cold New York weather was just not for me. The fact that I have barely any winter clothes is another problem. To make the problem worse....

The weather is jumpy with me. One minute it's cold one minute it's hot.

Today was my first day at a new highschool. Having to start all over, trying to make new friends, and hope my skinny jeans are cool enough to not get me bullied is what I'm going off of. I roll out of bed and hop up on my feet. Feeling slightly dizzy, I walk over to my new bathroom.

The bathroom was like something I've never had. It had a single shower, with a Jacuzzi bath beside it. I even had a hamper to dirty clothes. Look at me. I even got a sink to myself. Hmmm..

Living the good live. Note the sarcasm.

I stand in front of the mirror and stare at myself. I mean I'm not ugly, well at least that's what my mom used to tell me, when I was younger. I've never had a boyfriend, so maybe I'm not that pretty.

I'm mean, come on... the last time I heard the phrase, "your beautiful.", or "your my pretty princess"

Was when I was 12.

I would always get complemented on my long dark curly hair.

All of my friends from back home in Tennessee have green, blue, grey, and all of the eye colors that boys like. And, I just have plain Jane eyes. Dark brown, you know what, let me stop. They might as well be black, as much as I wanna say they are dark brown, they look black.

And you know what, I sigh and just move along.

I pick up my pink toothbrush,and wet it with water. I feel like it's a common thing to wet your toothbrush before and after you put toothpaste on it. It just doesn't feel right when you don't do it.

After I brush my teeth, I spread my Clearasil face wash on my fingers and rub it on my face. Having hope that some pimples roll off before I get to school. I mean it's not like I have thousands of pimples. But, I still have them. I look over at my phone and realize that it's 6:15am. And, I have to be at school @ 7 am. I have no time for a shower.

I hurry and wash the creamy stuff off my face, and rush to my room. My eyes start stinging and mentally curse. I go to back into the bathroom and splash water on my face. It's clearly not working because my eyes are still burning.

"Ugh", I snatch the bottle of Clearasil of the counter and squintng my eyes a little to see what to do.
Rinse thoroughly with water.

Didn't I just do that?

"Ow, Ow, Ow"

I run over to the sink and splash water in my eyes. Over and over again.

"Finally" I sigh.

I walk back to my room, slowly knowing I probably have eight minutes at the most to get ready.

I'm looking for a box with the words skinny jeans on them, but I can't quite find it.

When I spot the box in the corner of my room I run towards it, probably waking up the entire house with the creaky old floors. You could here a pencil drop in this old rag-tag house.

I have to decide on which color jeans I should wear. I end up choosing my blue skinny jeans. With my a pair of white sandals. And my black v-neck shirt, with marvel on it.I leave my hair curly, put my glasses on and rush out of my bedroom door.

I run into my 12 year old brother on the way, as we race down the stairs when I suddenly stumble. While I almost tripped and broke my neck, he sits there and laughs.

That's my brother for you. He burns down the old house and still haven't got in trouble. But, if I don't do the chores on time I'm grounded. And, then I get yelled at. And if I'm lucky I won't get slapped for slipping up and failing a test.

I'm not a genius. I have to work hard to take AP classes. It doesn't just come to me like rain falling from the sky. Or as fast as a light switch. Maybe, it's easy for other kids. But me..... not so much.

I barely had time to eat my breakfast when my mom rushed me and my brother out the door.

When I got outside, I quickly ran back in the house to put a cardigan on, it was windy and would probably get colder.

Probably upsetting my mother.

"I have to set a good example as a mother, my kids can't be late on their first day." She wants to fit in with these people so bad. She had so many friend girls back home, it won't be hard for her to find them here.

While we were driving to school I was listening to a song called Hold back the river by James Bay.

"Okay Casey, this is your new school." My mom said excitedly, as she parked in the front of the school. Hmmm...

Mandelson Heights is what the name of the school is. This is what, hopefully, I would be putting on my college application in 2 years. Considering, I'm a junior.

I opened my door slowly, not knowing what's going to happen today.

As, I walk in the building to the office. I see a group of kids at the entrance blocking the office door. This most be the popular teenagers. I try my best to walk past them, until I bumped into someone and fell. They started to laugh, until the person I bumped into said,"stop."

Everyone immediately stopped laughing at me.

I looked up and gasped. He didn't even have a freaking shirt on. It's windy. I stared hard at his tattoos. I wanted to trace my fingers over them so bad.

He had dark hair and dark eyes. I quickly stood up. And, everyone just stared at me, making me unbelievably uncomfortable. The guy noticed this and gave them a look that said "what the hell are you looking at?" He turned back to me.

"I'm zayn, and who are you beautiful?" He said stepping close.

"C-Casey, my name's Casey."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said making me blush.

"Zayn!!" a boy with Blonde hair and blue eyes yells over the crowd of people in the hallway trying to get their books for class.

"What Niall!?" Zayn snaps at the boy, whose name is Niall.

Niall came up to Harry and whispered something in his ear, making Zayn look cold and cruel.

He didn't even look at me anymore. All he said was "Niall, take Casey to class and make sure she gets all her books today." He said and walked away from me. Everyone clearing a path for him. Some guys looked either scared or jealous.

The girls looked at him like he was candy.

Niall turned to me and smilled slightly.

"I guess I'll take you to go get your books, then your locker. But, we have to hurry so your not late. If your late you'll get a detention. Then Zayn is going to give me a black eye." He said chuckling softly.

We walked together through the halls without saying anything to each other.

If Naill and Zayn were so close, why would Zayn give him a black eye?



"How do you know Zayn? And, why is everyone so afraid of him?"

He stopped walking, and stared at me for at least 10 seconds.

"What is wrong with you?"

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