c o n f e s s i o n s

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Author Note: Casey is going to have confessions, every once in a while. If you read James Patterson, then it's kinda like his story, but not exactly. Well, that's all. Bye xxx

Casey's POV

I don't even know the last time I talked to my dad. My mom was never the same after he left. I honestly believe she loves me a little less, every day. As time goes by its like someone sucking the life out of her heart. Like she's still here in earth, but she to her she feels like she has no reason to be here. She tries to hide how she feels.

She tries to make herself seem normal, she makes friends in every neighborhood we go to. Like she's the perfect mother, but in reality she's broken.

So, here's my real confession. I hate my dad. And, I have trust issues. That why I have never had a boyfriend. Because, I run them off on the first date. That's the real reason we left. Not because my brother burned down the house, but because someone filed an restraining order on me.

I went off in the restaurant, when his girlfriend was our waitress. I completely lost it. I cursed her out and poured my drink all over her.

I thought that was normal thing to do, but I guess not.

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