c h a p t e r f i v e

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A/N: Casey's outfit for her interview in the story is above, or to the side. Her hair is like that , but use your imagination, because it's supposed to be black, not blonde. Even though I like the blonde hair better. I want to dedicate this chapter to lesli_g, she helped me with this chapter, and I want to thank her!!! Follow her if you have time. Thanks!

Casey's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard. My eyes were watering and I felt like I couldn't breathe my world was coming apart, Zayn the boy I was falling In love with got the bitch that disrespected me, pregnant. Just when I thought I had got her she came back at me one hundred times better.

She was having his baby. I started running away as fast I could, I heard someone calling my name I came to a stop and saw that it was Lesli. Oh, how much I wished it was Zayn.

"Are you seriously mad?" Lesli asked. Looking like couldn't believe such stupidity.

"You shouldn't be surprised! Zayn got her pregnant. What if Niall got sirrie pregnant?" I asked.

"First, Niall wouldn't do that. You barely know Zayn, Casey."

I just stared at her. Really? You know what.....

"Bye Lesli" I said calmly, and started walking home. I was expecting someone to come after me, and I couldn't say I wasn't disappointed.

Once I got home I felt stupid, and I regretted everything. I regretted even skipping school. I regretted running away like a baby, and not sticking up for myself. I regretted lashing out on Lesli, one of my only friends, when she was telling me the truth. I just met Zayn, why would he care how I felt. Why should I care.

Anyway, I had to get ready for my interview at 5 pm. All this drama was running through my mind as I got in the shower. Clearly my mom wasn't okay. So, while she's taking off, someone has to be making money. She wasn't mentally stable enough to earn money, she could go to work if she wanted to, but honestly it wasn't safe. She could have a break down, and the next morning she'd be so "embarrassed" that we'd have to move again.

That's how she is, and that's how she'll always be.

I was going to be working, at the library. And, then if I didn't make that I would go to another interview, which was at a local boutique. Little to no people went there, but for the ones that did, they needed some type of assistance.

And, when you are going to an interview for anything having to do with clothes and fashion, you have to show them that you have some.

I wore a black lace top, that was flowing at the bottom. I wore peach colored skinny jeans with a white creamy colored blazer. Matched with my Crystal sandals, a few gold bracelets with a gold watch I got from my dad one Christmas, before he left.

I took one last look at myself, before letting out a long sigh. All I needed to do was forget about what happened today. I didn't have to worry about the question, "Why aren't you in school?" Because school was already out. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get Zayn out of my head.

I headed down stairs to my mom's car. I avoided checking on her, because I never know what to expect. Seeing my mom in such a position hurt my heart. I opened the front door and stopped, maybe I should leave a note. I turned around and headed towards the kitchen.

Dear mom,

I'm going to be out for at least 3 hours, I'll call you if longer. In heading to the interview. And, on my way back I'm picking up Russell from his friend Romney's house on my way back. Last night I bought some sandwiches and yogurt, and put them in the fridge. So, help yourself. Make sure to keep your phone charged at all times. If you get any migraines, I laid out one pill for you on the counter. I hid the bottle, so don't even try it.


I tried to refrain myself from treating her like a baby, but at the moment that's what she needed.

I finally made it to the car, and headed to the library. Once, I got there I noticed it didn't look busy at all. Maybe,because school just got out. I went through the automatic doors, and up to the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk had big glasses, and purple lipstick. She looked no younger than thirty. Her hair was in a Bob and she had straight cut bangs, almost covering up her eyes.

"I'm here for an interview." I said politely, I really wanted this job, because it paid more. And, the boutique job was $2.50 an hour. And, library job was $6.00 an hour. And, it had three floors!

"Oh, that. Don't be nervous sweetly your gonna get it, nobody wants to work at the library anymore hun"

Well if this lady was correct, I wouldn't have to go to the boutique,and I could pick my brother up early from his friends house. After school he always goes there.

"Anyway, your going to go past the fiction books, then go right and there's a door that has the numbers 344 on them."

"Thank you very much." You said politely, again.

"Your welcome, sweetly"

I walked through the library, fascinated by all of the books. I think I'll be doing more reading than working.

I saw room 344, and said one last prayer.

I walked through the door, realizing I didn't knock. It was to late and I continued like I didn't even do it.

"Hello, I'm Casey" I said shaking the man's hand behind the desk. He had a sharp suit on, with black hair and hazel eyes, he looked maybe in his early forties.

He most be the owner. I heard he owned libraries, hospitals, schools, and businesses all over this town. I felt honored to be in his presence. Yet, he looked familiar.

"Hello Casey, you may sit down, I'm Mr.Malik."

A/N: I'm so sorry for the cliff hanger!! But, I like them...... sorry xxx.

Have you guys listened to a song called Carousel by Melanie Martinez?

It is so good!! Listened to it while reading the next chapter! :)

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