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Skinny Jeans » z.m

Casey's POV

Not only did I see Zayn, but a girl behind Niall. I could say she was pretty. She may have to much make up, but I'm talking about really, a lot of make up. I'm not talking about when you put some eyeliner and mascara on, and "you have on too much make up."

I don't care how innocent you think a girl is, she gone wear some lip stick.

Zayn had on some skim trunks, that showed of his body. And, Lord was he fine.

Me and Lesli walk up to Zayn and Niall, and the girl finally speaks.

"Hi, I'm sirie. Zayn's girlfriend" She said looking me up and down, holding on to Zayn' s arm like it was gonna run away. So, Zayn had a girlfriend. I knew he wasn't serious.

"sirie I am not your boyfriend" Zayn said pushing sirie of of him. I couldn't stare in to those hazel eyes, so I simply looked down. It was such a cowardly act, sirie had the nerve to chuckle at me. Bitch.

Instead of looking at this so called sirie, I just studied my surroundings. The waves could be heard and it sounded like a melody. The sand that was so soft, yet really cold. You would be crazy to go in that water. Yet Lesli seemed to love it.

The sun was bright, yet it had not affect on this beach. I may never wear flip flops again. I curled my toes to dig in the sand, and it was exquisite. There are no beaches in Tennessee. So, this experience is not going to be ruined by Perrie' s rude comments.

I'm going to enjoy myself.

"sirrie, who invited you?" Lesli said coming to my earlier defense, quite rudely might I add.

"Oh, is there a problem Lesli?" She said sweetly, still standing there. Even though no one wanted her here. Well maybe Zayn did. I don't really know anymore. I don't even care.

Don't lie to your self Casey, you want to cry right now. Whatever. But, I knew my conscience was right.

"Don't test me sirie, we all know about you. How you have affairs with old men. How you trick guys with all that make up on your face. Just cause you don't think you have flaws, doesn't mean it's true. You may think your pretty on the outside, but on the outside your dirt. So, don't try to act innocent when your nothing, but trifling. When you have to still someone else crush, because a guy can't want you for you. Because, your a gold digging-" Lesli was stopped by Niall

"Hey! Babe, calm down. Okay, let's go over where all the stuff is." He said guiding Lesli over to the umbrella and blankets. sirrie just sat there and laughed. Really?

"I need some Starbucks." I hear Lesli mutter harshly before she walked away. I looked back toward Zayn. That girl and Starbucks........

"Zayn you have a girlfriend?" I asked

I wasn't gonna cry over it. I just wanted to know. I really like Zayn, even though all the bad things he has done. He makes me feel wanted.

"No Casey" He says steping up to me. I could feel him breathing down on me. The smell of cigarettes and minty toothpaste. I have never liked the smell of cigarettes. But, it was fascinating on him.

"Why would I cheat on you, hmm?"

"I-I don't know Z-Zayn." I said, I always stutter when I'm nervous. But, right about know I wish I never had that problem. I'm glad I had my sunglasses still on, because I was looking right past his face. To scared to look him in the eyes.

He put his fingers on my chin getting ready to tell me to look at him. He was to smart for my tactics.

"Zayn, baby why don't you come with me? She's just a little girl what can she do for you?" sirie asked.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and moved my head to the side. So I could see sirie and Zayn wasn't blocking me.

"What can you do for him?" I asked, I think I already knew the answer I just didn't want Zayn to have to take up for me.

"Way more than you can baby girl, things that can get me pregnant, or things that have already gotten me pregnant." She said looking at Zayn.

A/N: that is Casey's outfit. Next chapter I will give you Lesli's outfit. Her bathing suit will be under it. Oh an I have nothing against makeup I love it but hers was messed up yall just pretend lol Bye!! Xxx

I wanted to do a Question and answer but I don't have any people really reading. So, I guess I'll asked the questions

Q: How do you feel about Teen Choice awards nominating Zayn and One direction for Hottie award?

Q: What is your opinion about the rumor that Perrie is taking one direction off her wedding list?

Q: Who is your favorite one direction member, including Zayn?

I just can't get over the fact that he left.

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