c h a p t e r s i x

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I saw room 344, and said one last prayer.

I walked through the door, realizing I didn't knock. It was to late and I continued like I didn't even do it.

"Hello, I'm Casey" I said shaking the man's hand behind the desk. He had a sharp suit on, with black hair and hazel eyes, he looked maybe in his early forties.

He most be the owner. I heard he owned libraries, hospitals, schools, and businesses all over this town. I felt honored to be in his presence. Yet, he looked familiar.

"Hello Casey, you may sit down, I'm Mr.Malik."

Casey's POV

I sat down quickly, avoiding eye contact. Which was a bad motive during an interview.

"Casey, I understand that you go to Mandelson Heights?" He questioned, and I had no choice, but to look him in the eyes.

"Yes sir, I do attend Mandelson Heights. I just moved here from Tennessee."

"Okay Casey, well have you ever worked in a library? And, do you have the ability to mark, stack, and arrange the books in my library?"

"No sir, I have never worked in a library, I've never even had a job. I was hope-ing this could be my first. And, I do have the ability to mark, stack, and arrange books.......Sir"I said

I didn't even think about the fact, that I've never had a job. Or, that I've never had any experience. I hope he shows mercy on me.

"I'm sorry Ms. Owens, but if you don't have any experience..... You are not qualified enough."

He turned from Mr.Smiley, to Mr. Get the hell out of my office. I can't NOT leave here without a job.

"Mr.Malik, we all have to start somewhere, correct?"

"Yes, bu-" I was going to interrupt him,and I was either gonna regret this, or leave her satisfied

"Mr.Malik you don't understand that I need the money, my mom is going through a lot right now. And, I have a 12 year old brother, named Russel, that needs to be tooken care of. If I don't get this money I don't be able to pay my fees for school."

I stared at him with puppy dog eyes, it always worked with my dad to get whatever I wanted. It should work for him. He still held a cold expression. I couldn't read him, or figure out what he was thinking. He just simply looked me in the eyes. About 30 seconds later, he came up with a solution.

"I can consider it......."

"Please, Mr.Malik...." I begged scooting down to the edge of my chair. My hands crossed together in my lap. No matter what happens, I'm going to try my best to be professional. But, I believe begging isn't really professional.

"Okay, you start Monday after school. I would make you come Sunday, but it's church and most people have family dinner."

"Thank you so much, Mr.Malik. I won't disappoint you." I said standing up. I walked to the door and before I could get out....

"Casey, wait." I turned back around to look at Mr.Malik.

"Would you like to come to my dinner tomorrow, your brother and your mother can come if they want. It's only going to be my wife,me, and my three daughters." He paused, then looked down. "My son Zayn is never home, so he won't be there."

"Okay, umm what's the address?"

"Oh, I'll email it to you." He said, I replied with a simple question.

"One more question, what should I wear?"

"Since its only my family, something casual will be fine. Don't wear a dress. I know my daughter Safaa will come downstairs in her pajamas." He said with a chuckle.

"Alright.....Well thank you."

"Your welcome"


I picked up Russel, and now I was at the house. My mom was in her room, watching her soap operas. Russel was downstairs, in the living room playing the X Box. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I set everything out on our long narrow table.

When dinner was ready everyone came downstairs. My mom sat by me, and Russel sat across from us. I made pasta, with baked spread and pizza.

"Casey, thank you so much." My mom said with tears threatening to come out.

"You don't have to thank me. You have been taking care of me for sixteen years, and Russel twelve. We owe you."

We ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the meal. Half way through I spoke up.

"So mom, I was wondering if you and Russel wanted to attend a dinner,that my new boss is having."

Her face lit up, and she sat up straight in her chair. "Maybe, I can make my homemade mac and cheese." She always gets happy about these things.

"Ha, okay mom."

"How many people are gonna be there?"

"Umm, nine people, including us."

"Okay!" She said getting up quickly.

"Mom, are you gonna finish eating?"

"Yeah, in a minute."

She heading to the pantry, and pulled out the noodles.

After dinner, me and Russel went up to our rooms. I just got out the shower, getting ready to go to sleep when I got a text.

From: Zayn

To: Casey

Goodnight, babe.

And that was it.

A/N: I know that was a bad ending. Sorry guys.

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