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Skinny Jeans » z.m


"How do you know Zayn? And, why is everyone so afraid of him?"

He stopped walking, and stared at me for at least 10 seconds.

"What is wrong with you?"

Casey's POV

"Um, nothing's wrong I just...... Don't understand why people are so afraid of him. I mean he was nice to me." I say totally confused. Zayn helped me when I fell. He didn't even laugh at me.

Usually people laugh then help you. Or, they help you then laugh. But, he didn't laugh he was genuinely concerned for my well being.

"Yeah, to you.", He said sharply walking ahead of me.

I felt someone's stare on me and I turned around. And, I saw nothing. When I turned back around Niall was hugging some girl.

"Hi." I said

Their heads snapped up to me.

"Oh, Casey this is my girlfriend, Lesli."

Lesli had long brown hair, and dark eyes like Zayn' s. I wanted to complement here on her skinny jeans. She had on a yellow pair. With a black longsleeve shirt, and some black uggs. "Hi, I like your outfit." Lesli said. Even though she probably didn't. Considering I had sandals on in fifty degree weather.

"Thanks, yours too."

"Well Casey I have to go aid Zayn, since you and Lesli both take AP classes she can be with you"

I wasn't shocked there. Lesli looked smart. And, boy did she talk a lot.


Me and Lesli became really good friend in the 6 hours we've known each other.

I have no idea where Zayn and Niall are. So, instead of going straight home, me and Lesli hit the mall.

"We need to get you some winter clothes."

"Yeah, where I'm from we don't get much snow." I said

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Tennessee, and where you born here?"

"No actually, I am from Kentucky. I moved to New York when I was 10. And, my heritage is Hispanic."

"Wow, umm how did you meet Zayn?" I asked and she tensed up beside. She looked around nervous at all the people around us.

"That's another story for another time."

"Umm, okay." I said awkwardly

We walked in peaceful silence for five minutes. Lesli was in deep thought. And, so was I. Wondering how Leslie and Niall met? Why Lesli doesn't want to talk about the matter?

Did Lesli know my Zayn? Wait! My Zayn? What has gotten In to me?

I was knocked out of all my crazy thoughts by Lesli.

"Oh!! This is a perfect store for you. Winter clothes, but still pretty. Yeah?" She said excitedly and I nod along with her not knowing what to do.

I only shop for skinny jeans, and skinny jeans only.

As soon as we walked in Leslie spotted her bestfreind "Dusty". She didn't look Dusty but it was funny when Lesli said it.

"Dusty!! Where you been girl?"

And, I sat their watching the two bestfreinds. Wishing if i could be able to be part of the click.

"Did you here that Harry has a new girl?"

"Yeah,I'm so sorry Dusty."

"Its like he doesn't even care sometimes."

"You guys are friends, and he still doesn't notice" lesli says sympathetically

"We 'll anyway, I'm planning on going to the movies with Jasmine, and Amelia. Would you like to come? You could bring Casey." She said. I didn't even know if she sill thought I was even here. But, she just invited me to the movies.

"Okay, cool. Casey would you like to go.?" Hope in both of their eyes to have a new friend.

"Uh, yeah. I'll have to check my calender, to make sure I don't have anything else to do." I shrug trying to sound cool. Like I actually had friends. Like someone really wanted to talk to me.

"Well I hope you can go. Bye, guys."

Dusty had to leave.

We were walking around  the mall and Lesli stopped.  I was gonna ask her what happened when she start squealing, and running towards Starbucks.

"Carmel frappuccino, please"

"What do you want?"

"Um, I don't like Starbucks."

"What is wrong with you?"

And, that's when lesli dropped me off at home, I knew I had to do my research. On Zayn Malik, and Why people are so afraid of him.

And, on Starbucks, and Why people crave it so much.

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