Chapter 1. Morning Beautiful<3

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Leda's POV

It was a sunny day in California, during the summer all my friends were away. I had nothing too do, So I decided too make another video for my account on Youtube HaiLedaBear. I got my camera on and started filming. "Hi guys! It's Leda" I said with a cheerful tone in my voice. "So as you know I graduated and for now I have no plans but just too enjoy my summer as a girl that doesn't go too school anymore. I'll probably start a job doing makeup or just getting paid for making videos on Youtube since you can do that now!" I talked and talked about school and summer and what I want too do in life. I realized the video was becoming alittle long so I ended my filming and started too edit my new video I was going to upload. 

I had gotten on Twitter and decided too give my fans a heads up that an update was coming soon! And as my tweet was sent millions of people replying asking me too follow them. Now I set my twitter up too only people I want or who are verified celebrities can "Direct Message" me on twitter. As I was doing my edits too my lovely video I heard my Twitter notification sound go off. 

@ZaynMalik: Cant wait for that update love. xxx

@LedaBunnie: Oh you watch my videos? xD 

@ZaynMalik: Ofcourse I do love! xxx

Honestly this was sort of amazing knowing that someone famous is talking too me. I was sort of excited. Knowing that I thought Zayn was pretty cute made me happy! I finished editing the video and decided too go out for alittle with some somewhat friends. 

We walked too the mall and decided too go too Hot Topic. "Hi welcome to Hot Topic!" A nice man said walking over covered in tattoos. He was wearing an Asking Alexandria shirt with black skinny jeans. He didn't look very well knowing her shouldn't wear a shirt that tight around his gut. But I wasn't going to tell him that. Because I was very nice too people I didn't want them too fell bad about themselves because I know that feeling they do not need too go throw that feeling. We shopped in Hot Topic for alittle bit and I bought many new plugs. I thought they were very suiting for my choice of style so of course I bought them. I asked a friend too take a picture of me holding all of the shopping bags. I took my phone and decided too upload it too Twiiter with a caption of. "Shoppin! Someone Hellppp! ^.^" I noticed I had already gotten alot of retweets. But I had gotten another Direct Message from someone. I notice and saw it was Zayn again. Are you serious?! 

@ZaynMalik: I'd help you carry those bags love! xxxx

@LedaBunnie: Oh haha I wouldn't let ya! ;)

@ZaynMalik: That's too bad! you look beautiful btw! xxxx

I knew I was smiling at the message I had just received from him. I heard my friend Sam screeched. "Leda! You didn't tell me you've been talking too Zayn fucking Malik you slutbag!" She said pushing my arm throwing her hands up in the air. "Sam! It's only been since this morning and honestly It's nothing yano? He just watches my videos. That's all." I said rubbing my arm where she pushed it. I started to walk too Claires when my phone decided too buzz. "Whaaat!" I groaned aloud. People staring at me funny. I knew I was eye catching because of my hair and with all the tattoos and piercings and how I dressed. But honestly I didn't care. I was proud too be myself 

I checked too see my phone was buzzing because I had gotten a friend request on Facebook by someone I opened up Facebook too see who it was and I saw "Zayn Malik would like too be you friend." I clicked accept of course knowing it was him only my close friends and family knew about this private account. So I knew his management found me. 

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: Quite the stalker huh?

Zayn Jawaad Malik: No not really! You know we should skype some time babe? xxxx

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: Well alright!!! ;) it's HaiLedaBear.. Very simple hahah :D 

Zayn Jawaad Malik: Alright see you later than? ;) xxxxx

After I was done shopping in Claires with Sam I rushed home with my bags and bags of clothes I had just bought and other things. I ran home and put everything down neatly and got on my computer. I logged on Skype too see that I had gotten a friend request from a username. "MasterMal" I said aloud then I realized it was Zayn. I accepted it and my computer started too ring. "Hello?" I softly spoke. 

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