Chapter 3. Hate Gets in-front Of Friends<3

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Leda's POV

"Bitch, Emo slut, Scene whore, Ugly lard, Colorful freak." These were JUST some of the comments I had gotten when I woke up today. Yes it fucking hurt like hell, but I won't give his fans my pain too make them happy. I decided not too even talk about it with them. Not even mention too directioners that it hurt me. 

@LedaBunnie: Getting a newwwwwwww tattooo!!!!!!!! GAHHHH excited! >.< 

I decided too go get ready for the day I was planning on having, getting Xya and Arkane tattooed on my back. When I got my phone and my coat on I saw so many people had commented on my recent Tweet. I read so many comments, because my fans normally comment so I read what they say. But these were all directioners, coming at me with insults. Lies they were making up. I threw my phone in my back pocket and walked outside. I saw my best friend out there. "Mattt!" I screeched making him jump a little. "Leda! Let's go!" Matt said walking towards his car. "Wait your gonna come Matt?" I said looking so surprised at what he had just said in front of me. "Of course I am!" Matt said un-locking his car doors, and got into the drivers side. I didn't have my liscene so I couldn't drive. 

Finally we had gotten too the Tattoo shop and I walked in. They knew me from my recent visits for my piercings and other tattoos I had gotten. I had gotten myself ready for the tattoos. They said it would have taken around 4 hours. Which is allot of money, also wasting time. But it was only 10:15 in the morning. I was a morning person for some reason. I loved waking up earlier, the days were longer! "Alright Leda just get in a position that you can stay in for about 2 hours alright?" Jeff had said getting all the ink in order so he could be prepared. I had layed on my stomach realizing I had promised Zayn i'd record it. "Matt, will you record me getting my tattoo on my phone?" I said talking into the bed I was laying on. "Yea sure Ledars." Matt said laughing after calling me that. He knew I had no nick name so he made up Ledars for me, which I hated so much. 


The four hours had gone by and I was all done, I looked in the mirror and saw how awesome my new tattoos looked. "Jeff! Amazing like always." I said walking too the counter and paying $450 dollars too him. "Your welcome Leda keep $100 dollars you basically work here." He said laughing. I guess it's because I was there always and helping people pick out tattoos and piercings and telling them the meanings of it. I made Matt take a picture and I took my phone back and uploaded it too twitter. 

@LedaBunnie: Xya & Arkane<3 

I groaned aloud and Matt heard me. "Leda what's wrong?" Matt said with a worried look in his eyes. "Just fucking directioners, I've been talking too Zayn Malik for almost a week and they are giving me so much hate and it sucks Matt I want it too stop." I said reading all the comments about my new tattoo I had just gotten. But I saw Zayn decided too comment on it 

@ZaynMalik: I love it Leda!<3 Talk too you later xxxxxx

Right after that all his fucking fans had stopped, all the bad comments about me. But I saw they decided too make a trend. 



Honestly they have no heart. All my fans though were sticking up for me. That's the good thing have 45 thousand people on your side even though Zayn has millions, still I like having knowing someone is going too be there for me anywhere in the world. When I got home I went and decided too make something too eat and go bring it too my room. I logged on Skype and saw everyone was online. I was planning too Skype my best friend Taryn who lives in Canada. But Zayn decided too call. "Ayee! Leda." An irsh voice said into my computer. "Uh hi Niall!" I said very confused. 

"So Leda your the girl Zayn talks about? Huh!" Niall said with a cheeky smile. "Oh what he does?" I said with a little blush. "Of course he does non stop! Leda you might be his type!" Niall said with a smirk upon his face. "Niall I don't think that truly, because look! And all your fans hate me look at the trends." I said with a frown on my face. I saw Niall was looking at his screen and his jaw dropped. "Are you serious? Your so far from a slut, and no Zayn isn't staying away from you and you aren't staying away from him either." Niall said with a stern look on his face. Honestly I felt bad but I knew this had too be done. "Niall put Zayn on please?" I said with a smile. "Ight love talk to ya some other time." Niall said getting up and calling Zayn's name and telling him I wanted too speak to him. "Hey Leda!" Zayn said with a smile. "Zayn look, all your fans there getting too me I think we should stay away from each other you know? I just wants what's best for both of us and mostly you Zayn." I said looking down at the ground. There was a silence between both of us then it broke. "No Leda, no i'm not staying away from you, no one can stop me from you Leda and you should know that." Zayn said with an annoyed tone in his voice. "Now I do Zayn, but look directioners can hurt people and there hurting me. I don't want ledanators fighting with directioners." I said with a sad tone. I looked too see Zayn looked like he was about too cry. 


He kept making me laugh all the time, at everything he did I laughed. "Zayn! I forgot too show you my new tattoos!" I said with excitement. Then I heard footsteps on his side of the screen it was all the boys looking at me. I was a little overwhelmed by the noise they were making. "SHUT UP! Let the beautiful Leda speak mates!" A deep raspy voice said yelling. I saw it was Harry, "Mate can I talk to ya?" Zayn said too Harry getting off the couch patting harry on the arm. Harry nodded and slowly walked up into the back room. 

Zayn's POV

I was beyond pissed at Harry right now for what he had just said in front of the girl I fancy. "What the hell Harry? Do you fancy her?" I said with an angry tone. "Maybe I do mate, that's none of you business anyways, we all know you fancy her though it's fucking obvious!" Harry said throwing his hands up in the air. How did they know? Did Niall tell? No Niall wouldn't tell I know and trust him so much too know he wouldn't I was woundering did I show I liked Leda? Because of how much I talked too her. How much I video chatted her, tweeted her, face-booked her. Everything! Did I just go overboard? 

But too know Harry fancies her, is just great. My luck he will ruin my chances with her, even though we just met I felt a connection coming along in this whole friendship thing here maybe even more? I walked out of the room harry and I were talking in and I saw Louis, Liam, and Niall were all asking her questions I could tell she enjoyed being asked questions by famous people. Then I saw she decided to tweet something. I went on Twitter and saw what she had tweeted too the world. Tagging all of us in it. 

@LedaBunnie: Skyping with @Harry_Styles, @Real_Liam_Payne, @NiallOfficial, @Louis_Tomlinson, & @zaynmalik. 

All of us decided too favourite the tweet and re-tweet it. "Holy fucking shit!" Leda screamed. "WHAT! WHAT LEDA." Louis yelled back too her. She was laughing so hard I could tell by Louis face because she had scared all of us. "Jesus I've gained so many new followers, I've hit 100K followers. Thank you guys!" Leda said hugging the screen pretending she was hugging us in real life. I hugged the screen back with the other boys. It was around 7:00 where we were and I was starting to get tired, the boys and I had plans too go out to the bar. But now that i've met Leda I wanna stay and chat with her. 


The boys had begged and begged for me too come and have a fun time. But I said I was having a fun time with leda. "Zayn I feel bad your all alone in the bus with me on a computer when you could b out with the boys and having girls throw themselves at you. Go have fun please!" Leda said pushing me too go out. "Leda I love talking too you, and I have fun talking too you. I rather talk too you than have drunk sluts throw themselves at me you know?" I said laughing. I saw Leda was blushing after I said those things too her which made me smile knowing I can make a girl over video smile. "Zayn, I wanna tell you something." Leda murmured into the camera. "What is it love?" I said with a smile on my face.

"I think we need to stop this." Leda said with a depressing look in her eyes. 


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