Chapter 5. Getting The Money<3

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Zayn's POV

So what does this mean? I was lost in everything in the moment. I just didn't no what too do. They boys and I had a few weeks off and I was deciding to go to America and visit Leda. To tell everyone that we have met and it will work. I wanna see her and be with her. Make her know her descion is perfectly clear. Because even if we are far away frim each other things will be good. And that all that matter is us. I won't care if we have haters, i'll just have her. That's all I need. "Zayn you should go get packing for Leda. But keep it a surprise alright mate?" Niall murmured as he walked by me. I nodded and got up and walked to my closet and decided to start to pack. 

A few hours went by and I had packed all my things. I have gotten my plane ticket, and got everything ready, I got my money, hotel room, car, everything too make this perfect. I hope she doesn't get freaked out. I decided too finally tell Leda that I was coming. 

Zayn Jawaad Malik: Heyy Leda guess whos cominn too america? xxx

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: Hahha nice Zayn we can finally met up :)<3

Zayn Jawaad Malik: Only reason why im coming babe jus for u xxxxxx

Leda's POV

Are you serious he is only coming for me? Obviously he wants that spark between us. I wan't too see if something is real also so im down with it. But I don't have enough money for him. I can't go and show him places. I don't think money-wise I can really do it. I'm not going to take Zayn's money because that's just really lame and loser-ish and i'm none of that.

I just didn't know what to say, only Matt, and Sam knew about Zayn. I just wasn't ready for everyone too know, yet... I guess I liked having him as my "secret." Something I know I could announce by myself and mt own damn time and not have someone tell. I knew Sam and Matt wouldn't tell because I knew they cared too much. Now with Alan. If he ever knew I know he would tell because he wants me too suffer. He was my physco ex boyfriend and I have  no contact with him what so ever. Because he got really weird. And I didn't need that in my life already. 

***Few days after being told***

So I guess today was the day Zayn was going to the airport to come to America. Honestly I didn't think I could wait nor didn't want him here. I just didn't think I was ready for him. I decided what I was going to do and I knew it had too be done. I had too tell him. 

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: Zayn stop don't... Just don't your wasting you time Zayn.

Zayn's POV

I notice too see my phone had gone off. I saw on my main screen. "Leda Message." I didn't wanna open it but I also did. I opened my Facebook too see her message. 

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: Zayn stop don't... Just don't your wasting you time Zayn.

Zayn Jawaad Malik: No.. What do u mean babe? xxxx

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: No don't Zayn I'm not ready for this too happen. I'm not ready neither are you Zayn. Were complete fools. 

Zayn Jawaad Malik: No we aren't were fools for falling for each other but I want to be ur fool Leda. Because I'm ready for u and I want u. 

I took a deep breath knowing what I just said too her might cause something. I don't wan't her too run away. I don't want her too leave me. No I don't want that. Leda is too good too lose and i'm not willing for it too happen too me. To many people have left me hanging, and this time i'll have to have a chase if I need too just for her and only her. 

I saw she had read the message but never replied. What could she be thinking. I hope I didn't scare her away knowing my feelings for her just came out of my mouth written through the Internet. As I saw what she had said back after awhile. Killed me, honestly I did. And I knew after that I couldn't go. I picked up my bags and handed my ticket to some old lady covered in wrinkles. "Were yew goin to see a gurrl" As she rolled her r's I slightly nodded. "Buddy if what happened was serious I think you should go back." As she looked me dead straight in the eye's what I was doing was wrong. But no i'm not going after that. 

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