Chapter 4. Is This Goodbye?<3

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Leda's POV

"I think we need to stop this." I softly spoke into the computer. "What?" I heard a shaky voice run through my ears, I couldn't move on I couldn't tell him why. No I wouldn't i'll make something up. He can't know my feelings for him and what his fans put me through, It's been about a month now since we had begun talking. No I'm not ready for it, too hear his respond. "Why Leda?" Zayn whispered trying to hide the tears that were starting too form. 

I just couldn't do it. I felt I wasn't strong enough too tell him. "Zayn.. I ju.-st I c-.cant." I manged too studder out. He look at me knowing something was wrong. He just slowly nodded and looked at me. "Okay Leda..." Zayn said ending the Skype call. I just stared at my screen wishing I had never done that. I wanted too take everything back, I messed up huge time. "Zayn i'm sorry." I whispered into my mic, wishing he could hear me. I shut off my laptop and went too sleep at 8:30 P.M. I couldn't handle knowing I lost something. That I didn't need too. I was too stupid. I let something go that didn't need too go.


Zayn's POV

I just couldn't understand why. I had started too grow feelings for her. I should've fought for her. I messed up. It was three days after she told me goodbye. She still tweeted and I still read them painfully. I couldn't keep myself together. The boys knew I was down. I just didn't tell them why. "Zayn let's talk. Talk to your Irish snowflake." Niall said walking into my room and sitting down next too me. "Leda told me she couldn't do this anymore. She couldn't talk to me anymore. Something is happening Niall and I let her go." I said smashing my head into his shoulder silently crying. I didn't want the other mates too hear me cry. "Zayn she'll come back, you hear me? Never give up hope. You'll get through this Zayn." Niall said patting my head. I felt a little better knowing Niall will always be there for me. I bet Harry would go and talk to Leda again if he knew about this. I looked at my phone too see I had gotten a Facebook message.

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: Zayn im sorry and I just can't do this anymore...

What did she mean? She can't do what anymore... I decided the best thing was too reply back too her how I felt about her and see what shes says about it and me.

Zayn Jawaad Malik: Do what? Leda I need too tell you something before you're gone for good.  I enjoy the times we have skyped each other I've never been more happier in my life. I rather Skype you than talk to the boys, I love looking at your face, hair, eyes, smile, everything about you I love Leda Muir. Your amazing and I just want you too know I think i'm falling for you Leda. I want you Leda Muir because we can be the perfect two.

LedaMonster Bunny Muir: Zayn, I just wanted too tell you how I feel about you. You made this so much easier for me now because Zayn i've grown feelings for you. I want you Zayn, your different, your hair, looks, smile, personaltiy make me die. I want you too be with me, but I wan't you too be happy and I feel that won't be the right decision Zayn... 

Zayn Jawaad Malik: Leda you make me happy, it is the right decision because this can work. If we make this work Leda it will work. I can and I know you can. All you need is love, trust, and confidence.<3

I decided too get on Skype and see if Leda was on. Damn she wasn't I wanted too see her face her smile. I wanted too see if she was happy with our choice we had just made. Even though she didn't respond I knew what it meant that we were I guess official. I wasn't going too tell the world, because I know she couldn't handle the hate but I sort of wanted it a secret since everyone knows we have never met before. I'll tell the world when we've met and were on good levels with each other. I want whats best for Leda Muir and that's that.

Leda's POV 

So you can say Zayn is mine you can say. Zayn Malik likes me. I went for a walk so I couldn't go on Skype and wait for him too appear on. I decided too head back and go eat I didn't have any money too buy food out so I headed back too my house. I got near my house when my phone started too ring. 

"Hello?" I said with a question tone in my voice

"Leda Muir?" A deep voice said. I was scared knowing this person knew me and I didn't know them. "It's Alan remember me."  Alan said with a desperate tone in his voice. "Oh uh yea." I said very quickly I only remembered him from one of my classes in school. I felt bad knowing really I didn't know him. Oh well. "Sorry Alan I uh have too go bye." I said hanging up. I rushed home. I got on my laptop and notice I had a message. 

Zayers:): Hey leda! xxx Look I know itz big newz babe:D

Ledass<3;): Yea I guess Zayn but were not dating were jus tellin each other our feelins. And we've never met so...

Zayers:): Oh.. okay sorry. 

I felt horrible but it had too be done. I'm not ready yet for Zayn Malik, not mature enough. I haven't even told my best friends what's happening too me. Things are just going too fast for me. 

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