Chapter 8. Is It Love?<3

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Leda's POV

I opened up the door too see someone I had never planned on seeing again and I was in complete shock. Tom. Tom was my old boyfriend he left too move too New York, this was crazy. He never really "dumped" me but he never contacted me after he was gone. So I moved on. 

"Leda!" Tom yelled barging into my home hugging me with a great big smile on his face. "Hi Tom." I mumbled, he made this so awkward I don't know what too tell him. That I moved on? Because I did like Zayn a lot and I don't want to hurt him even though he hurt me. "How are you babe!" Tom said walking more into my home. I swear he makes himself at home anywhere and that's a turn off for me truly it's annoying. "Amazing." I spat back at Tom I was lying right through my teeth but he didn't notice, what a dipshit. I decided too go sit down and start too watch a movie and he decided too join. Damn I wish he would just know I don't like him and I want him out of my home. "So uh.. Tom" I said getting cut off by him speaking. "Leda I wanted too tell you that I still love you and I want you back Leda Muir." He said staring into my eyes. I looked at my hands nervously, truly I wasn't planing on hearing that from him. "Tom no I can't. You left me all alone I felt like no one cared." I said feeling tears stream down my face. It hurt too know that he still "loved" me. Because I thought he didn't that's what sucked, knowing you thought someone moved on but truthfully they didn't but you move on instead. That's whats hurting me right now. 

"Leda talk too me." Tom said getting up and walking towards me. "No. Get the fuck out Tom." I said pointing towards the door. I got up and walked too the door and opened it grabbing his bags and throwing them outside. As he walked by me and walked up too me. Grabbed the cloth of my shirt and slammed me against the wall, and quietly spoke too something too my ear. "Do that again and your dead." He said adding slap too my face. It killed my face burning in pain. Having more tears fall down. My check was red and I knew it was going to bruise. 

Zayn's POV

"Please buckle your seat belts we are landing in a few moments! Thank you for taking Kingdom airlines." A lady with a high pitch voice said. Thank god we were here I knew were Leda lives and I knew everything would plan out great I was so excited for everything I just couldn't wait too see her and hug her. I honestly felt like there was something there. That I had fallen in love even though we had never met. The plane had finally landed and I got up and grabbed my carry-on bags and walked off. "Zayn! Wait." I turned around too see Perrie chasing me. "What Perrie?" I mumbled walking forward not letting time get hold of me. "Would you like too get some coffee?" Perrie said with a smile painted on her face. "No sorry busy see you around bye." I said running to go get my other bags. I called a taxi and gave the address too Leda's house. Thank god for Facebook, I had too do some creeping and messaged one of her friends too get her address. 

The taxi had stopped and I looked up from my phone. I left out a long breath hoping this was it. Of course this is it. "15.75 dollars please sir." I handed the money too the taxi driver and got out and grabbed my bags. I took out my phone and decided too call someone quickly for help. 

"Niall bro i'm here what do I do mate?" I whispered for some odd reason thinking someone would be out and wondering about right now. "Zayn walk up and knock everything will be alright mate I know it!" Niall said, I could tell he was smiling through the phone. I smiled back but he couldn't notice it. "Alright sir going in now out." I said with a chuckle. I walked up the stairs too her home and knocked on the door. "Hold on!" I heard a yell. This is it Zayn you can do it." I thought too myself over and over again. I heard the door unlock and the door knob slowly turn. I took a deep breathe and the door opened.

"Leda!" I said embracing her into a hug. At first she didn't hug me back she was just so surprise by me visiting, then I felt a pair of small arms wrap around me. I hugged her tighter basically telling her that i'm not going anywhere. She backed away with her hand on her check with a pack of ice. "Zayn what are you doing here? How did you get here? How do you know my address!" She asked so many questions about how I found her where I knew she lived and everything thing else. "Babe can I come in?" I said with a huge smile plastered on my face from knowing I finally met Leda. "Of course Zayn!" Leda said swaying her arm to the living room showing me where too put everything. I walked in and got adjusted with everything. I have never been in a American Home so I don't know what there traditions are. "Leda what happened too your face?" I said with worry in my eyes. "Oh nothing an old friend of mine and I had a fight." She said looking down at her hands. I got up and walked over too her. I gently grabbed her hand and removed her hand from her check too see it. "Leda who did this? It was a man I can tell by the size." I said with angry in my voice. "My ex boyfriend Tom. Zayn really it's nothing." She said smiling at me. I felt bad for her because why would anyone abuse a women? Obviously a douche bag would.

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