Chapter 1 - First encounter

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As soon as I stepped into the ice rink the cool air hit my face, dusting my nose and cheeks a pale pink color. I began to push myself from the entrance taking long strokes, one foot after the other, this movement ingrained in my brain like a catchy song. The Olympic gold metal is around my neck and the crowd chanting my name. Not long after I gained some momentum and felt as free as a bird, holding out my arms, and smiling brightly.


I opened my eyes slowly only to be met by the cool autumn air and loud alarm clock. It's 5 pm and the sun hasn't risen yet, I absentmindedly noticed.

I forced myself out of bed washed my face, brushed my teeth, and did my morning stretches. As someone who is trying to do competitive figure skating, I must make sure that my body is flexible.

After a few minutes of stretching, I made my way downstairs to eat a light breakfast and drink some water before I go out for my morning run. I kept my steps light to not wake up my parents who slept downstairs. Soon enough I made my way outside and put on my headphones before I went out on my daily run.

I liked the cold.

Something about the way it made my skin numb and muscles shiver felt so familiar.

I thought back to the dream I had this morning, it was pleasant and I felt sad that my alarm had to ruin it, again.

Running early in the morning, before the sun rises were convenient for me. Because of the lack of pigmentation in my skin due to my Albinism, running while the sun was high in the sky without my umbrella and loads of sunscreen was like asking for an instant sunburn.

When I stopped to check my watch I noticed that I wasn't as out of breath as I usually was.

Just then, I smiled.

I returned home at 6 am on the dot, quickly taking my shoes off and running upstairs to my sibling's rooms.

First I woke up the second oldest child, my brother Touji so he could wake up my sister Yukina.

This left to deal with the problem children, the youngest, most annoying, most hard-to-wake-up-twin-brothers, Tsuki and Tsukito. Not only did I have to wake them up, but I also had to make sure they brush their teeth, wash their face, and get their clothes on.

They're seven years old so all I had to was get them to go the bathroom while I prepare their clothes and school supplies. You thought this would be easy, right?


First, I tried to wake up Tsuki, the older twin, but things didn't go according to plan...

"Hey, Tsuki, wake up!" I said loudly.

He did nothing but cover himself with his blanket even more. This made the veins in my forehead pop.

Ugh, it's already 6:30???, I thought.

    Suddenly, I thought of a brilliant idea.

Were my brothers going to hate me for this for the rest of the day?


But are they going to be late?


    It was a good thing that my brother's beds were no farther than arm's length apart, perfect for me to execute my plan.

    At the same time, I quickly grabbed the twin's blankets and threw them away from them as I plant my cold hands on the back of their neck from my morning run. The twins let out a screech so loud that half the neighborhood was probably awake by now.

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