Chapter 12 - The Prodigy

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Tsubaki woke up early. Partly because of the anxiety that has been eating away at her the whole night and partly because she couldn't miss the train ride to Maebashi.

When she looked up to see if Nanako was still sleeping, Tsubaki was surprised to see that her best friend wasn't snoring away. Her confusion was quickly interrupted by the sounds of her stomach rumbling.

"Ah, right... forgot to eat dinner" Tsubaki says regretfully as she makes her way to the bathroom.


By the time Tsubaki walked downstairs dressed and with her baggage in hand, a sweet aroma filled her senses.

"Are you making pancakes?" Tsubaki asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yup! Kenzo and I decided to make a Western-style breakfast," Nanako said.

Tsubaki sat on the island watching as the duo worked efficiently despite their having a history of arguing. Kenzo was a lot like his younger sister, no matter how much he tries to deny it. Their personalities and facial features were almost identical except that Kenzo's hair was more of a dark brown color rather than a brilliant redish-orange.

Kenzo placed a plate full of pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of Tsubaki as he said, "Hey Tsubaki! Been a while since you slept over, how've you been?"

"Fine. Though I'm a bit nervous about my upcoming competition." Tsubaki responded as she took a bite of her pancakes.

"Awesome! Will you be on tv?" Kenzo asked smugly.

"Yes, it should be on Fuji tv, but if you can't watch it live it should either be somewhere online or JSF's(Japan Skating Federation) official website," Tsubaki said.

It was a bit embarrassing for Tsubaki even to say that. This was her first national competition so she still wasn't used to the idea of her being broadcasted on national television. Nanako brought her plate and sat next to her while her brother opted to eat while standing across from them.

"We'll be sure to cheer you on!" Nanako said enthusiastically as she stuffed her face with her deliciously made pancakes.

The comforting and positive atmosphere caused Tsubaki to smile just a little.


After a short 5-minute drive, Tsubaki finally made it to the ice rink where she would meet coach Haruki so they could head to the train station together. As she exited the vehicle, she said, "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem, and good luck with your competition!" Kenzo said as he drove off.

Tsubaki made her way to the rink's lobby with her suitcase in hand making sure to greet Mrs. Hamamoto, the receptionist as she waited for her coach.

Tsubaki's phone buzzed. Coach Haruki sent a text saying that she was outside.

"Hmph, I thought she would be late," She said with a shrug as she entered Coach Haruki's car.

"Hey Yukiharu, you excited to compete?" Haruki asked.

"Yes, and nervous."

"Understandable, but remember the basics beca-"

"Because that is the foundation of any great figure skater. I know, I know you say it all the time." Tsuabki interrupted.

Haruki only laughed in return as she said, "I guess I taught you well then."

"Hey, uh do you mind if I borrow your phone?" Tsubaki asked.

"Yeah, why?" Haruki said.

"To um. . . text my parents since my phone just died." Tsubaki lied through her teeth, but she hoped her coach would believe her.

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