Chapter 11 - Independence

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To Tsubaki's luck, it started raining the moment she impulsively decided to leave the house.

"Tsk, lucky me... What am I doing? Maybe I should just turn back..." She contemplated.

Tsubaki was only a few steps away from her front door. If she just went back inside, she doubted that anyone would notice and she could avoid getting into more trouble. She shook her head trying to get her cowardly thoughts away.

"No! I can't just turn back around, if I do then they'll think that they can use me as their personal babysitter," she clenched her fist and held onto her backpack and luggage tight, "I have to take this first step towards independence."


The bus dropped Tsubaki off at the only place she could go, her best friend's Nanko's house. It was late at night and she didn't even know if she would answer the door, yet she decided to knock on the door anyways. Tsubaki started at the ground not wanting to meet the eyes of whoever just opened the door.


She could still recognize Nanako's voice, yet kept her gaze glued to the ground because she was afraid that if she made eye contact with Nanko, then she would break down crying.

There was a long silence, and from Nanako's point of view, she could see her best friend trying to hold back tears as her white hair stuck to her face due to the rain.

"Come in." Navajo says without question.

Tsubaki stays at the entrance as she doesn't want to get Nanako's house wet. From the corner of her eye, as she's taking off her shoes, she could see Nanako run to the bathroom.

Once Tsubaki finishes taking off her shoes, she decided to continue to sit on the ledge separating the entrance to the rest of the house. The weight of what she has done finally dawns on her and a few droplets escape from her eyes. As if on cue, Nanako places a warm towel on top of Tsubaki's head. She looks up and her eyes meet Nanako's warm and inviting ones, it's as if they're saying 'It's okay, you can tell me anything'

Tsubaki abruptly stands up, catching Nanako off guard as she hugs her tightly, letting all of her pain, anger, and sorrow out. Nanako doesn't care that Tsubaki is soaking wet, instead she pulls her into a tighter hug as she rubs her back.

"Let it all out." Nanako says warmly.

And she did.

When Tsubaki finally calms down enough to talk, she explains the events that transpired earlier as Nanako simply listens.

She's glad that she has Nanako as a friend. Even doing something as listening to what she has to say makes Tsubaki feel seen and heard.


"Sorry about that, I made you all wet." Tsubaki says apologetically.

"No biggie," she says as she waves her hands, "besides I was going to take a shower anyways, and it looks like you need one too" Nanako says light heartedly.

Her positive attitude makes Tsubaki feel slightly better, "hah, your right"

"Don't worry I got your stuff. You can shower first and you can borrow some of my pjys" She said.

"I don't think it would fit." Tsubaki said, considering that she's a bit taller than Nanako.

"Would you rather open your suit case?"

"Uh no"

"Right, then it's okay if it's a bit short on you." Nanako says teasingly.

"Right" Tsubaki responded as she rolls her eyes.

Tsubaki gets out of the shower with a new change of clothes that are way too short on her, and a towel around her neck. She walked into Nanako's room and could see that her pullout mattress was already set.

"Reminds me of all the sleepovers we've had", she thought.

"You got to leave early tomorrow, right?" Nanako asked, breaking Tsubaki out of her thoughts.

"Er, yeah at 6 since the train ride to Maebashi is about 2 hours long" she responded, a bit off guard.

"Okay, well my brother can drive you to the ice rink since his work is on the way there," Nanako said as she put the blanket over her legs.

Soon after Tsubakj joined her on the mattress below, ready to sleep.

"You know, what your parents did to you wasn't okay, but I know you'll make it to Nationals and prove them wrong!" Nanako said intensely.

"I'll try..."

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