The pieces of Eden

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For part of my life i had believed that revenge was the only way I could avenge my family. But halfway through my journey I had learned that there is a difference between vengeance and revenge. I hear it spit out from people's mouths as if they mean the same. 

But ultimately they have different meanings when put in a sentence, and put side by side to be compared. I ultimately decided that revenge wasn't that being desired, but I continued what I did for the justice of the people. But by that I ultimately avenged by family, so others don't suffer the way they did. 

But there was still much blood spilled. 

Justice revenge and vengeance are tied in together loosely, yet tight enough to be woven into the same tale or legend. They are words that signify rebirth, the beginning or the end of a man or woman story. 

it is most common for these stories to be told in legend. 

This story is like many others, except it holds something different. It doesn't start with revenge or petty killing.

It starts with the yearning to be a hero.

I do not know why this boy wants to be a hero so badly, but he thinks the only way to be a hero is to become these huntsmen. A huntsman to what? 


Years ago I had died in the hands of age, I spoke to this boy through the apple of Eden without a proper conversations.

I had walked down the halls of the dungeon beneath Altair's castle, putting out the candles one by one to try and put to rest to this place. To still be lit after all these years is something impressive, but the torches need to rest.

When I did I could feel the speeches that those before me spoke.

"What does it tell you? What do you see?"

Someone had spoken behind me, yelling so her voice could reach someone.

"Strange visions and messages. Of ones who came before, of their rise."

I had paused. A man had spoken, was that?

"and their fall."

I let another flame rest, hearing the women speak once again.

"But what happened to us, Altair? To our family! What does the apple say?"

Reaching the end of the hall, I had entered a library. one filled with knowledge most probably lost to time. It was in a circle and they all pointed to the center, the floor having a diamond in the center. 

Reaching the bookshelf to the middle, I saw chairs laying around all pointing to the diamond.

"who were the ones who came before? What brought them here? How long ago?"

My vision was clearing, and as it did I could better firmly tell there was a shape that held the diamond. It was the shape of the creed. This only confirmed more that I was in the correct place

"Maria? Where are you?"

My eyes had bulged, that had come out of my own lips. The same two that had said so many things, so many bad and outlandish things. coming out of my own mouth.

I walked forward putting the candle stopped to the ground, walking towards the end of the library from where I entered. I saw it. 

A vision.

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