The Flag Of The Swastika

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Finally... exams, tests, quizzes, end of year finals. Work, everything.... Done... Posted, finally. I am tired right now its four in the morning, I would show proof but idk how in and AO3. I could possibly post it on Wattpad, since I'm also posting this there. But again, too much work.

Jaune sighs going back into the club that held Hei, Melanie and Miltia. It felt like he had walked out of here ages ago, but it was in fact only an hour. They were probably worried as to why he just suddenly left. He looks around to find Melanie at the bar. Jaune gets closer to wave hi, but Melanie just looks up raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, your back," She yawned. "How was your little coop in vale."

Jaune sighs sitting next to her. "I just needed some fresh air." He takes the seat next to her, not wanting to take drink from the bar. He puts the golden apple of Eden on the countertop.

"So, is it real? You seem to be hanging onto that crap. So, I assume we got it right," Melanie drinks her glass of- something.

"No, this one isn't mine. It's almost identical to the one my uncle gave me apart from the engraving." Jaune groaned slamming his head on the table.

"There there," She rubbed your bag, her voice sounding very uninterested. "You'll get it. Maybe."


"Surely Mr. Xiong you understand where we come from." The man in a suit with a black tie rubs the dust on Hei's chair in his office. "Me and my group only wish to help you, we just need a bit of payment." The man smiled

Hei narrowed his eyes "We are doing well; we don't need any help from your kind." He spoke venomously

"My kind?" He let out a small smile "Whatever do you mean by that? Could it be that my friends here are faunas?" There were some low grunts from behind. "They don't take kindly to people who connive them as inferior."

"I don't need to know that you hired from the White Fang. I can already tell by the tattoo on their necks." Hei said, tapping on the table. "Leave my premise before I fetch my chess pieces." That made the man frown,

"You are making a mistake"

He warned before turning to leave with his group.

As they left the doorway, Hei sighed laying his back onto the chair. He thought he would be done with this the few days before he starts open the club again. But these people decide to ruin that.

Maybe Hei had to push back the opening a few days more. But what would that accomplish? He would risk the potential lives of people if he did, but it would show that he isn't afraid of them. The alternative being he risks his business and his reputation, at the cost of possibly his and the twins' lives.

Hei weighed his options carefully, trying to think of a way to protect himself, his business, and the people he cared about. As he pondered, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see one of his trusted, one of the twins. Miltia.

"Is everything alright, Hei?" Miltia asked, her concern evident on her face. "I called your name multiple times, up until I tapped your shoulder you didn't answer."

Hei sighed, "No, it's not. Those people from earlier are trying to intimidate me into backing out of the deal I made with them. They're threatening me and the business."

Militia's eyes narrowed. "Is there a way for us to... deal with them?"

Hei thought for a moment before something sparked in his eye. "Tell Jaune to come up here. He wishes to pay me back, then so be it. I need you and Melanie to help keep an eye on him as he does some, scouting work."

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