The family

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Yeah, it's pretty long this time, it's also very different from the script form I like writing in. Cause well, I'm planning to post this on and they don't like the script form very much lol.

Jaune roused up early in the morning, he groaned at the sound of his alarm. It meant he had to do his homework cause his yesterday self was too lazy! Ugh, why does school cut into people's time so much!? He just wants to rest and not spend hours a day at a place where he could just stay home and play video games or rest all day. Worse, he has a project assignment due next Monday and today was Friday. 

He had decided and sadly made a habit of doing all his homework as early as possible before the schooldays even started. He could get it done quickly and just shove it off, but the problem was that he had to wake up early to do it! Sleep was gold, sleep was magnificent, sleep is life.

He sighed "I hate school."
Jaune felt droopy and didn't even consider taking his words back.

After, maybe ten to twenty minutes Jaune yawned placing his pencil down on the table. He finished his homework at last. 

Lifting his arms into the air Jaune stretched them out as far as he could, glimpsing his calendar. It was one that showed the year and on all the months, June was highlighted. 

That was the month he was going to go out and make it to Beacon Academy. He breathed in and out, his parents would kill him if they knew he was going to do this. But that's why he has a note hidden inside the TV. Yeah inside the tv. It was in one hole that let air in, the safest and most unpredictable spot to look for a "sorry I'm leaving" note.

What's worse is that his father doesn't want him to be a huntsman, he fears Jaune will suffer the same fate as he did. Something about glowing Grimm that could melt you down in seconds. Speaking of his father.

he was mainly the reason Jaune wanted to go out and become a huntsman, the fact that he thought of himself as a hero who took jobs at the side was amazing! He felt like a mercenary who had morals and a hero's truism! That was almost exactly like Vav from Xray and Vav.

Well, that was before they had a goal to become the greatest heroes, but that was a different case!

His family came from a long line of heroes, mainly from his father's side that has shown the ideals of a hero. Ideals that no one would deny being 100% the way someone should be at all times. It just seemed logical that all of them were also huntsmen, that huntsmen were the main lead of heroes. Sacrificing your life for the rest of humanity to thrive in secluded cities that prosper even with the high amount of human life?

Sign him up!

Jaune had exited the shower and tried, that's an understatement. Jaune very well tried his darn hardest to flex in from of the mirror but barely any muscle came out apart from the ones that were naturally made by the body. It just seems so damn hard to grow muscles, he tries and they just don't come out it seems.

He sighed.

Jaune tried his best yet his body refused to grow stronger, it was as if it was doing its hardest to do something else instead of growing stronger. 

Leaving the bathroom Jaune pulled out his scroll and decided to go on YouTube, yeah he was really bored if he wanted to scroll the bottom of the barrel. But as he scrolled through the recommended feed, he received a breaking news notification. 


He clicked it.

"Today there has been a tragedy, the SDC otherwise known as the Schnee Dust Company- Dust company? That's where we get our dust? -was robbed. After receiving countless reports of gunfire in mantle Atlas, Atlesian soldiers were able to apprehend the single perpetrator. They were reported a member of the White Fang according to the SDC. Two others were found at the scene shot dead, one was unconscious when found. Eyewitnesses say the man seemed no older than 19, wearing nothing but gray robes and gauntlets on his arm. His hair seemed to be black with brown eyes,"

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