The New Genisis

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I do not affiliate with any of the following I am a proud hater of the people. You will see what people i mean. This is just so I can follow the canon of Assassins creed oke?

The clang of metal against claw reverberated through the room, accompanied by a commanding voice directing the movements. "Right leg forward!" But Jaune, caught up in the intensity of the moment, found himself mirroring the opposite stance. "Left hand up!" Once again, Jaune failed to follow the instruction.

"Damnit, Jaune!" Melanie Malachite groaned in frustration, her disappointment palpable as she observed Jaune's lack of focus. Yet, Jaune seemed lost in his own world, as if oblivious to anything beyond the dance between Miltia and himself.

As the training session intensified, Jaune found himself locked in a fierce exchange of blows with Miltia, each move calculated and executed with precision. Miltia pressed forward, her strikes relentless, but Jaune's determination remained unyielding, his expression betraying no emotion.

In a sudden twist, Jaune caught Miltia's claw with his bare hands, the metal leaving behind a trail of crimson on his palms. The shock on Miltia's face was unmistakable as she hesitated, momentarily thrown off guard by Jaune's unexpected move.

Seizing the opportunity, Jaune lunged forward with a powerful kick, aiming to turn the tide in his favor. However, his victory was short-lived as Miltia swiftly countered with a devastating punch, sending Jaune soaring through the air before crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

The room fell silent, the tension thick enough to be sliced with a blade. Jaune lay on the floor, his body aching with every breath, the pain a stark reminder of the reality of combat.

"Oh yeah!" Miltia exclaimed, breaking the silence with a triumphant grin. "You had me worried there for a second!"

"Miltia!" Melanie's voice cut through the air, her tone a mixture of frustration and concern. "Jaune, you should never harm yourself during combat, under any circumstances," she admonished, her exhaustion evident as she approached Jaune's prone form. But despite her scolding, Melanie's gaze lingered on Jaune, a silent question hanging in the air.

"Jaune?" Miltia's voice was softer now, her concern evident as she moved closer to him, reaching out a hand in silent support.

Jaune suddenly launched from the ground, pinning Miltia to the floor with a small knife coming from under his hoodie. Pressed against her throat as he had a cocky smile on his face. "Never underestimate your opponent, could get you killed."

Jaune's sudden movement was swift and unexpected, catching Miltia off guard as he pinned her to the floor with a small knife concealed beneath his hoodie. The sharp edge of the blade pressed against her throat, a dangerous glint in Jaune's eyes as a cocky smile spread across his face.

"Never underestimate your opponent," Jaune taunted, his voice laced with confidence. "It could get you killed."

Miltia's eyes widened in surprise and a hint of fear, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the cold metal against her skin. She had underestimated Jaune, and now she found herself at his mercy, a humbling reminder of the dangers lurking within their training sessions.

Melanie watched in shock, her expression a mix of concern and disbelief. She hadn't expected Jaune to retaliate with such aggression, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of unease at the sight of her sister held captive by her own training partner.

"Jaune, what are you doing?" Melanie's voice was filled with urgency as she took a cautious step forward, her eyes darting between Jaune and Miltia. She needed to defuse the situation before it escalated any further.

But Jaune remained unfazed, his gaze locked on Miltia's, his grip firm and unwavering. He had seized control of the moment, asserting his dominance in a display of unexpected skill and cunning.

Miltia swallowed nervously, the blade against her throat serving as a stark reminder of Jaune's newfound assertiveness. She had underestimated him, and now she was paying the price.In that tense moment, the training room fell silent, the air thick with tension as Melanie and Miltia watched Jaune, unsure of what he would do next. Only one thing was certain – Jaune had proven himself to be a formidable opponent, one not to be underestimated."So, you were just pretending to perform badly?" Miltia's voice held a mixture of surprise and skepticism as she cautiously eyed Jaune.

"Yep," Jaune replied with a smirk, his tone casual yet confident.

Miltia's eyebrows rose in disbelief, her initial shock giving way to a hint of admiration. "Impressive," she conceded, a small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

Melanie watched the exchange with a raised eyebrow, her curiosity piqued by Jaune's revelation. She hadn't expected him to employ such a cunning strategy, but she couldn't deny its effectiveness.

"Well played, Jaune," Melanie remarked, her tone a mix of approval and amusement. "But next time, try not to give us all a heart attack in the process."

Jaune chuckled, the tension in the room dissipating as he released Miltia from his hold. "No promises," he quipped, his smirk widening into a grin.

"Evaluation: Clearly, you have a knack for strategy and tricks," Melanie remarked, her voice measured as she jotted down notes in her journal. "You can even back it up with strength and swiftness, thanks to your aura now."

Jaune nodded, listening intently as Melanie continued her assessment. He knew he had strengths, but he was also aware of his limitations.

"But," Melanie continued, her tone becoming more serious, "you still lack major skills. You only actually know basic fighting techniques." She paused, her gaze meeting Jaune's. "And, finally, there's the matter of experience, which isn't entirely your fault."

Jaune sighed, knowing that Melanie was right. He had a long way to go before he could consider himself a true fighter. But he was determined to learn and improve, no matter what it took."Understood," Jaune replied, his voice tinged with determination. "I'll work on it."

Melanie nodded, a hint of approval in her eyes. "Good," she said, closing her journal with a snap. "I have no doubt that you'll get there, Jaune. Just keep pushing yourself, and never stop learning."

With that, Melanie turned to Miltia, signaling the end of their training session. Jaune watched them go.

Weeks passed, and Jaune's training sessions with Melanie and Miltia became a regular part of his routine. Each week brought new challenges and opportunities for Jaune to refine his combat skills.

In the training room, Jaune and Miltia engaged in intense sparring sessions, their movements sharp and calculated. Melanie observed from the sidelines, her gaze focused and analytical as she assessed Jaune's progress over time.

In the beginning, Jaune struggled to keep up with Miltia's speed and agility. His movements were hesitant, and he often found himself on the defensive. But with each passing week, Jaune's confidence grew, and his technique improved.

By the second week, Jaune's footwork had become more fluid, and his timing more precise. Melanie nodded in approval as Jaune demonstrated a better understanding of defensive maneuvers and counterattacks.

As the weeks went by, Jaune continued to push himself, determined to overcome his limitations. He experimented with different strategies and techniques, learning from his mistakes and adapting his approach accordingly.

By the end of the month, Jaune's progress was undeniable. He moved with purpose and confidence, his strikes landing with precision and power. Melanie watched with satisfaction as Jaune held his own against Miltia, his determination shining through in every move.

And as the final session drew to a close, Jaune knew that he had grown stronger and more skilled than ever before. 

"You still can't beat us," Melanie remarked bluntly, pushing her notebook into Jaune's chest. "But at least you can handle yourself against some street thugs now."

Jaune accepted the notebook with a nod, acknowledging Melanie's assessment. He knew he still had a long way to go before he could match the skills of Melanie and Miltia, but he also recognized the progress he had made.

"Thanks," Jaune said, a hint of determination in his voice. "I'll keep working on it."


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