Chapter 10

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The next day, I woke up and still in bed. I always kept thinking, wondering why I traveled back 2 years to be the female lead in Họa Tâm. The actual reason is because I didn't want to lose my idol. I just wanted his life to be better without pneumonia and COVID-19. Despite the impossible time travel, I still did this to understand Việt Quang more. How come my life is like a bliss ballad? In order to enjoy the weekend, I practiced my favorite classical song on the piano and it was called Love Story by Francis Lai. While I was still at the villa, Việt Quang was on the sea view bridge with his ekip, filming his solo part. But this time, he looked different with his double bangs, reminding me of his same style in his Y2K references. Perhaps, that was his purpose to understand more about me as his Cinderella.

        Moving on to the scene where he, as Kini, came to Cindy's house to try the slipper on. First, when Kini tried it on Diễm, Diễm could feel like it was uncomfortable and said, "Ây da, đúng là đau thiệt. Vì vậy nên chiếc giày này không vừa với con, mẹ ạ!" Mai comforted, "Không sao đâu chị Hai. Để em thử cho." Then, Mai struggled to tried the slipper on, hoping it fit, but it didn't when Kini asked, "Sao thế em Mai? Có lẽ chân của em có vấn đề hả?" Mai groaned in agony, "Đau! Đau! Chân tui đau thế là quá thấp so với khả năng của hoàng tử bạch mã ấy! À lộn, quá thấp so với khả năng của chị Diễm á!" This made Kini impotent and desperate, until the stepmother Hari Won said to him, "Cậu Kini đừng quá bất lực. Còn thêm một cô bé nữa, dễ thương lắm. Có lẽ nó sẽ thử giày nhưng không biết nó có bận rộn hay rảnh rỗi?" Right at that time, I, as Cindy, immediately washed my face, created my hairdo, and bowed to Kini in my new pink floral hem mini dress. At first, Diễm was shocked and raised her hand to slap me, until she gasped and covered her mouth because she didn't mean to do that. I sat on the chair to try the slipper on and it fit all of a sudden. Finally, Kini recognized Cindy after everything he had been through, "I finally found you, my darling. Will you be my girl?" I nodded which applauded by the stepmother and stepsisters. The stepmother also hugged me and said, "Chughahae, nae ttal-a! Prince Charming-gwa hamkke haengboghasigil balabnida. naleul ij-ji maseyo (Congratulations, my daughter! I hope you happy with your Prince Charming. Don't forget me.)" That's a happy ending for the music video Họa Tâm. The director shouted 'Cut' and that's a wrap. I also thanked my co stars and Việt Quang for letting me be the female lead. Việt Quang also said, "Wow, Soomin. Thank you for saving my life. You would have listen to my audio version and moved on."
I responded back, "No problem, sunbae. I could never do something like that. I hope your MV is out soon!"
Then, I pulled out the jellypop phone and said, "I think it's time for me to go. The timeline where you died no longer exist. Happy Valentine's Day, Việt Quang." As I was leaving, I softly shed my tears and decided to input a destination time of February 11th, 2023.

        Back to the present day, I was still in a pink dress and tried to wait for Eunseok. Suddenly, Eunseok appeared in a red tuxedo suit. He was giving me something special, saying, "Soomin ah, I know that you love music, especially V-pop, and when I found out about the new concert for the Valentine's Day, I had to get this for you." My heart was beating at that time, "You did not. You got me the tickets? To the Việt Quang concert??!" Eunseok nodded and I calmed myself down from screaming, "I thought Việt Quang was dead, and when he did, his music video died as well."
"He's still alive. He's completely recovered from pneumonia, and he can finally come back to his singing career. Didn't you know I watched the music video for his song? I knew it was you as the modern Cinderella." I shook my head in disbelief and when I saw the music video starring me and Việt Quang, I widened my eyes and said, "Oh my gosh! There's also the part when I did the piano and he did the singing! That's daebak! I finally get to meet my idol again after 2 years. I couldn't have done it without you, my Valentine Cupid!" Finally, I gave him a hug and off to the church for the Valentines mass.

        A few days until the official Valentine's Day, we had the most amazing special dinner. I also performed Sempre Libera on the piano and I achieved everything I memorized. Besides, we also went to see Việt Quang's concert after 3 years of the pandemic. And at the end of the concert, Park Eunseok led me to see Việt Quang in person. I dazzled that Việt Quang was still alive, with his double bangs like in the 2000's, saying gently to me, "Little girl, you still missed me?" I nodded and responded back, "Of course, ajeossi. My bad, Oppa! Can I take a picture with you?" Việt Quang and Eunseok both agreed to take a picture between me and Việt Quang. His alternate universe was even better for me. From that time on, Eunseok and me lived happily ever after just like Cinderella and her Prince Charming.

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