Chapter 1

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Nick POV

"I am so done, why are boys so stupid." Finn complained. He seems so frustrated.

"Let's not forget that we both are boys too." I stated the fact which he seems to forget everytime he complains about how stupid boys are.

"No Sherlock how?"

"Can you stop complaining please."

"No I am so not done, how dare he forget something so important? Doesn't he know me? Doesn't he know what that mean to me? Doesn't he know how important that is to me?"

"Can I atleast know what did he forget?" Have you ever heard someone complain for 3 hours non stop but you have no idea what is going on? Well i'm in that situation.

"Its Ro's birthday." OMG can someone please hit my Twin brother for me please?

Ok let me explain the situation here. Well i kind of understood. Well maybe. I am Nick short for Nicolas Matthew Edwards-Wilson and this complain box is my little twin brother Finn Mateo Edwards-Wilson. He is the best brother any one can ever ask for (there is a BUT) But when he complains he can never stop. Well the issue with my brother here is when we graduated high school Dad and Papa got us little twin kittens and I named mine ZOLO and Finn named his RO and RO means a lot to Finn. So whenever Justin forgets Ro's birthday my dearly brother comes to me to complain.

Yes Justin is his boyfriend and they have been together for like 5 years and let me tell you Justin is very bad with remembering dates. There was a time were Finn had surprise anniversary date and was waiting for Justin whereas Justin was (any guesses) no? SLEEPING and that pissed my brother so badly.

"Can you stop pouting? You know Justin is bad with dates." I heard Him sniffing. Let me tell you my brother is very sensitive just like papa. Dad and Papa adopted us when they helped us from the car accident and we were 16 they told us how they adopted us and for us they are our biological parents not adoptive but for some reason we look like them we behave like them its like we have their genes. Weird right? But we are glad that we do.

I walked to him and embraced him in my arms. And kissed his forehead.

"Ok how about we go have our favorite milkshake?" He nodded. I sighed.

"Where is Dad and Papa?" He whispered.

"They said they will go to Uncle Kai's home." Uncle Kai, Uncle Derek, Uncle Nolan and Uncle Aiden are our parents best friends I sometimes cannot believe that they maintained their friendship till date. I just pray and hope their friendship lasts forever.

Finn nodded his head and we went to my car and I drove to a diner which we always love going to. After 10 minutes I parked and we got down and went in. We ordered our regular mine oreo milkshake and Finn's vanilla milkshake with strawberry ice cream. After we got our ordered we stand in a booth. Finn's phone rang. He smiled seeing who it was but he tried hiding his smile and frowned as he picked the call. What a dramaqueen. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" He tried to sound pissed but he looks more like a pissed puppy. Even if we are identical twins but I feel we are so different more like he is like Papa soft , innocent but evil , sensitive , and too precious and me like Dad strong , look angry and opposite then Papa and Finn but Dad is more like a coconut hard from out and a softie from in just a big teddy bear I don't know if I am like him or No.

"I love you too see you at home." Finn blushed as he hung up the call. "Ok let's go home now" he just jumped. I chuckled and shake my head. This always happen they fight Finn comes to me complain and after just one call from Justin they are back to lovey-dovey couple. Is this what love makes you feel?

Speaking of love when will I get to feel that? Or if ever I get to feel. Well no one is there who makes me interested in them yet.

I tossed the keys to Finn and asked him to start the car till I use the restroom and he complains "can't wait till home?" This guy is being too much now.

I walked towards the restroom I was washing my hands when someone came out of the stall and they washed their hand and when they looked up I don't know what happened just like something clicked. It was a short boy who looked fluffy with round face small tiny pinky lips and perfect nose shape and big puppy eyes and those eyes were captive but at the same time they were bloodshot like he just stopped crying and when he sniffed I had the urge to hold him in my arms. Its like nothing else mattered in the world as we looked into each others eyes through the mirrors.

Suddenly someone opened the door And we lost the eye contact.

"My most amazing brother in the world if your done peeing or shitting can we go home please please pretty please.." And there was the puppy eyes of my baby brother to whom I cannot say NO to. I chuckled and dried my hands and kept my arm on his neck and we left.

Drive back home wasn't same my mind was somewhere else but I blocked it away.
Before I stop the car MR.FINN jumped out the car and ran to his boyfriend who was standing waiting for him and picked him up. Finn wrapped his legs around Justin's waist and both kissed like Romeo and Juliet were meeting after months.

"Stupid young love." I commented as I walked pass them to the house.

"You wait My amazing brother I will ask you when you fall for someone." phuff as if thats gonna happen. I walked to my room and fell on my bed and when I closed my eyes. All I could see were bloodshot red big puppy eyes. I sighed and Zolo jumped on my bed so I picked him.

"Why do I keep seeing the red puppy eyes every time I close my eyes." Zolo answered me with meow. I kissed him and he jumped out of my arms and went to his toys after a while i fed him and went to take shower.

I don't know why I feel we will be drinking lots of milkshakes these days.

Damn , his eyes. {BxB}Where stories live. Discover now