Chapter 4

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The busy streets of NY looks beautiful but the crowd is little annoying.

I left my apartment and walked to the nearest cafe and ordered ice tea I was busy using my phone and someone called me so I looked up.

"Nick my man why didn't you attend the party last night?"

"Didn't feel like." He huffed.

This is luke my somewhat friend and neighbor ever since I moved to New York his been behind my back to make me attend the parties he goes but I don't. Its been over 2 years since I moved out. 2 years since I contacted my family. 2 years since I have spoken to anyone I know. 2 years since I have seen hazel eyes.

After driving away I did go to the lake house and stayed for a week and after that I gave the key to the house maid and told her if ever my fathers comes to give them the key and I changed my number and left all the credit cards there but I took some money from it and left my car too and took bus to NY and here I am renting an apartment and working in a small company and living my life.

I don't know if now I am ready to go back or not. I don't know if I am ready to face them or not. My life is good here just for some reason I want to go back. Something says me to go back even if for a while.

But I'm not mentally prepared for it.

FINN POV (Back to the day he fought with his brother)

After waking up Dad came to my room were Papa was sleeping on my bed.

"Where is Nick?" He asked us.

"He said he will be back. Why?" Papa asked. He wake up when Dad came in. Dad sighed and said something that boiled my blood.

"He fought with Justin." I picked my call and FaceTimed Justin but when he did not pick I called Ian and he picked I asked him to give the phone to Justin and after seeing Justin's face I was mad at my brother. Justin scolded Ian and cut the call. And the rest is history.

After hearing what Nick said I came to my senses and when he walked out I broke down . What the hell did I do? How could I say all this to my brother? He is my brother for fuck sake. I sobbed like there is no tomorrow and I fell asleep.

Morning when I wake up my head was hurting and I needed to find my Brother but he wasn't there. I asking my parents I got to know he actually left he actually disappeared and its my fault.

Now 2 years later I still feel responsible for everything my family went through. After Nick leave within 4 days Justin came back and he apologized and the reason why he was distant was he was scared because he was planning to propose me but he was nervous , at first I thought he was making up but then the whole family was there and even Uncle Nolan and Aiden confirmed it that his been planning for a while. Everyone knew about it except my parents , Nick and I.

Because of my misunderstanding I lost my brother and my parents lost their son. Justin and I did get engaged but I told them I wont marry without my brother being there and Justin understood and when my parents called him after a month only to find out he wasn't at lake house for weeks and he's phone was switched off and he left his car and credit cards and I am responsible for this and I am not going to forgive my self.

Nothing is the same literally nothing.

FELIX POV ( Nick and Finn's dad)

Have you ever regretted your decision ? Because I have. I feel responsible for letting my son walk away the other night. Only if I had stopped him but I knew he needed that I kept myself in his shoe but now I regret it.

It broke our family. Nate is not himself , Finn blames himself and I daily try my best to find my boy my son. Every night I hold Nate in my arms and make him sleep because he end up crying missing his son. Ya most kids leave their house at age of 18 but our sons never wanted to leave.

Our house which once were happy house now its like no one lives in it even if we are but nothings same. Everytime my phone rings Nate jump thinking its Nick and seeing him like this breaks my heart. I need to fix this but only if I knew where my son is.

NATE POV (Nick and Finn's PAPA)

He promised. He promised to be back soon but look its been two years. My son promised but he broke it. I don't know who to blame. May be I am responsible for not stopping my son. I just need my son in my arms I need my boy I will give up anything and everything to have my son back in my arms.

I literally knew this feelings I hate it. I felt the same feelings when Felix disappeared when we were 18 and now my son. I need my baby. I know Felix blame himself , Finn blames himself and Justin too so I don't know why things happened this way.


Walking to the house feels empty even though we are four but nothing is same. I know I am responsible only if I wasn't a coward and ignored my boy than nothing would've changed. Seeing Finn , Uncle Felix and Uncle Nate I feel like going on a hunt and finding Nick I do deserve the punches I got from Nick I swear I do.

"Baby lets go on a vacation?" Finn was watching TV.

"I don't want to go anywhere." He turned around. Recently he's been distant and I get it completely he is missing his brother that to twin brother. If my ignorance did not draft us apart then this situation is doing it. Whether it be breakfast , lunch or dinner no one eats much and no one talks like before.

Even when we sit together in the living room no one talks and Uncle Nate and Uncle Felix stopped going to get togethers and when Dad and Papa or Uncle Kai and Uncle Derek calls them its never the same.

"Ok then lets do something fun." I tried kissing him he moved aside.

"I am not in mood Justin."

"You're never in mood." I went to take shower without hearing his response. I don't know when was the last time we even kissed or did we in last 2 years? I get it I understand and I will never leave him for this because I love him but I am getting tired. I closed my eyes and just prayed one thing.

"Please Nick please come back home the family needs you , we need you."

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