Chapter 18

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Its been 2 weeks since I left the house , since I have seen my boy.

None of them reached out to me not even once , not even Papa.

Am I that bad?

Am I unlucky?

Where I was happily waiting for my marriage and now I look skinny and scary with the dark circles I don't know when was the last time I slept. All I know the last 48 hours I have been awake.

I haven't changed I haven't showered. I look like a complete mess. I haven't left the room I haven't eaten. Every time Ian , Dan and Luke force me to at least eat I do but only to puke out after they leave.

In a week or so it was suppose to be my wedding but now what??

There was a knock at the door and Luke came in with tears in his eyes all he did come hug me and kiss my forehead. I looked at him without any expression.

"Ni-nick." His voice cracked.

"What?" He gave me sad smile while his tears falling he took my hand and kept something in my hand I didn't need to see to know what it was.

"No no no." I shook my head.

"I'm sorry I tried." His voice was full of pain.

I looked at my palm and there was Simon's ring.

"Since when?" He knew what I meant.

"Today." I don't know how to feel. All I felt was empty. Like nothing mattered anymore. It was clear

I stood took my phone and messaged Simon.


I kept my phone on the table and kept the ring on the phone but not before kissing it.

I walked out and I ran.

I heard Luke behind me but I had no reason to stop.

I ran for an hour or so with Luke on my tale I started coughing but I didn't stopped and after a while I realize where I am.

"Nick stop please." I did and turned around and Luke was crying.

"I love you Luke you are my family so Can you do me a favor?" He kept crying.

"Nick please." His voice cracked.

"Tell him I love him so much. Tell Dad and Papa I am sorry for being a disappointment. Tell Finn I am not disgusting and tell Justin not to hate me."

"I'll but lets just go home please." He sobbed.

I kept going back slowly while Luke walking towards me.

"You know Luke you have been better Twin then Finn but don't tell him he will be jealous." I grinned.

"Lets go tell them together please don't leave me please."

"You have Ian and Danny , Dad have Papa , Finn has Justin but I want Simon and I can't have him so I have to go. All I ever did was love him but he never trusts me." I felt myself at the edge of the cliff. I looked at Luke one more time.

"I love you Luky." He was shaking his head so fast and I closed my eyes and moved back and I was on air and all I heard was Luke's voice screaming.

And then it was all over.......



"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." I screamed as loud as I can. I can't lose my brother my bestfriend.

"NICK." I ran to the edge and fell on my knees he just disappeared like a thin air. I cried and cried I was mad at everyone but specially at my self for not taking my phone from Dan when he had to call.

"Nick please come back."

"NICK PLEASE." I yelled again.


I sat the the cliff For about an hour or two but I needed my phone to call the police and the search department. I ran to where they all were gathering.

I stopped a taxi and asked him to take me home and when we reach I paid more and got out without taking a change.

They all were sitting and talking everyone was here except my bestfriend that I lost. I was a mess my tears ain't stopping and seeing Adam sitting with his fathers I lost it My anger was double. No one noticed me I walked towards Adam.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD. WHO ASKED YOU TO COME BACK." I pulled him from the sofa and punched him and I did a good number before Dan pushed me away from his brother.

"Stop it he already apologized." Dan was mad but he doesn't know how hurt I was.

"Who needs his piece of shit apology."

"His my brother Luke."

"That shit only knows how to break peoples house."

"Stop it now both of you Please." Ian walked in between us he was crying.

I looked at Dan.

"I need my phone." He took my phone threw it at me only for it to fall and break. I was furious not for my phone but now how am I calling the police?

"You asshole." I punched him and he punched me back.

"Fuck you bastard Just leave." I was hurt again I looked at Ian he knew what I meant but Dan held his hand and stopped him from taking another step. I smiled knowing atleast at some point I have him so I walked and pecked his lips all he did was smile.

I saw my phone I took it and threw it and it broke again. Someone held my shoulder I turned and saw Simon he looked bad like Nick but Nick looked worst and seeing Simon reminded me of what I witnessed. I was furious again.

I pushed Simon's hand he looked at me confused.

"Stop it Luke , what is wrong with you?"

"I HATE YOU DAD." His eyes widened. I love him but at this point I hated everyone including my self.

"I hate you and you and you and you and you." I pointed at Dad , Papa , Finn , Justin and Simon.

My tears were non stop.

"What did he do for all of you to hate him? Simon? All he did was fucking love you he did everything to save you every time you end up at the hospital either your bully or Adam he takes care of everything. Finn he loved you you're his fucking twin god damn it and yet he felt you were disgusted. Justin you were his older brother he looked up to you yet you hated him for what? For something he had nothing to do about. how can the two of you be disappointed ? He was a better son then everyone here combined. All he asked for you all to trust him just trust him. Simon? Was it hard to trust him ? Then why I could easily trust him?

He was my only friend and family , if it wasn't for Him I wouldn't have fathers brother friends uncles and two beautiful lovers but whats the use when getting everything I ever needed only to lose my first family." I sniffed and wiped my tears I looked at everyone in room.

Papa was crying and being held by Dad who was crying too , Finn crying in Justin's arms , Ian was crying and held by his fathers same goes to Dan , Adam just sat on sofa with his head down and Simon all he did was shake his head Looking into my eyes.

"He told me to tell you that He loves you so much Simon. Dad , Papa he said sorry , Finn he said please don't be disgusted and Justin he said don't hate me"

I feel everyone knew whats going on they just needed a confirmation so here it goes.

"I hate you so much Simon and you are the reason MY BESTFRIEND jumped off of the cliff." My voice was cold and I walked out.

All I heard was scream cries and I saw Simon fall on his knees. Other time I would have hugged him but not today I lost my bestfriend and his main reason.

I took a taxi and went to police station I told them what happened and I met Pete who helped us find Simon and he was upset knowing Nick did what he did. He could be alive we don't know yet and I am not giving up.

Damn , his eyes. {BxB}Where stories live. Discover now