12: Somewhere I

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Part 1

Girl sat up, shock straight, her breath heaving unevenly, a tube shoved down her throat. She yanked it out, gagging at the feeling and drawing in heavy breaths of relief.

She found herself in a hospital bed, dressed in a paper gown, covered with a thin, scratchy blanket.

There were machines all around, beeping and buzzing.

And breathing.

The alarm clocks hadn't been alarm clocks. They were the respirator on her right and the heart monitor on her left.

She was still rather dizzy, her head pounding and her whole body feeling far too heavy. She tried to sit up and found herself strapped down to the bed, tubes awkwardly hindering her struggles movements. She panicked for a moment, not liking the concept of being stuck in place. She glanced around, trying to get her bearings and see if there was anything nearby that would help her free herself.

She managed to spot a scalpel sitting not too far away. She tried to rack her brain for a way to reach it, but she was too muddy, too tired and she came up short of any kind of a plan.

She groaned, seeing that the only thing she could do was try to slip her hands free, and then try to detach her ankles.

This proved to be a bit harder than she anticipated. Sure, her wrists were small enough, but the restraints were tight and her muscles were weak. Her right arm felt looser than her left, most likely due to the bandages wrapped around it and the injury that must've been underneath.

It took her a moment to realize that this was also a result of Gareth's torture. It took some pulling and some pain, but she didn't manage to pull her right hand free. This left her to unhook the buckle that held her left. She then struggled to a sitting position and reached for her feet. It took around 10 minutes for her to free her ankles, stretching over her bandaged stomach was hell incarnate.

Once she was free, she pulled herself from the bed roughly. She could hardly tell where she was or what was happening at this point, but she still yanked herself forward, running off of an unusual surge of adrenaline.

She assumed she was still asleep, that this was another odd dream. Nonetheless, she grabbed the scalpel that she'd spotted before and burst through the door of the room. The hall outside was eerie and quiet as she struggled along. She pushed herself to keep going, unsure of what would be waiting for her around every turn. She held the scalpel so tight her palm started to form an indentation that matched the shape of the handle.

Marching on, she didn't encounter a single soul.

That was, until someone found her.

She was shoved against a wall, her scalpel tumbling to the floor. She groaned, her already sore body beginning to fade, the adrenaline leaving her.

"Woah, relax, baby, I gotcha."

The voice was unfamiliar, but there was little that Girl could do as she was hoisted up into the unknown person's arms and carried off to God knows where.

Her consciousness slipped away once again as she watched herself pass back through the doorway to the exam room she had just escaped from.

She was trapped once again.


What felt like only moments later, Girl shot up again, her breath heaving.

"You're awake."

Girl opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water, unable to grasp whether or not this was real, or if she'd fallen into another level of her nightmares.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘐𝘐 Where stories live. Discover now