10: Beth II

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Part 2

Beth paused, looking to Dawn in confusion.

"What are you-"

Dawn pushed Beth away, looking through a drawer and pulling out a key.

"This is to the drug locker," Dawn said, pressing the key into Beth's hand, "I don't even trust Edwards with this."

"But, he's the doctor. If anyone can save her, isn't it him?" Beth asked, looking down at the key.

"He might be a doctor, but he doesn't understand this the way that you do. So take it."

"Dawn, I-"

"You're going to have to do it, Beth. She's going off respirators tonight, wake her up before then," Dawn ordered, pushing Beth out the doors of the office.

Beth stood in the hall, key clutched in hand, breathing erratic as she glanced around, feeling as though all eyes were on her. She skirted down the hallway, knowing that she had to work fast. She knew where the drug locker was. And she knew why Dawn kept it locked up. There was some heavy stuff in there.

Beth didn't quite know what she needed to use to help the unconscious girl in exam room 2. Her best bet was giving her an adrenaline injection and hoping for the best. However, she had learned from Dr. Edwards that if someone was in a coma, the best way to wake them up would be to interact with them, even in their unconscious state.

However, she didn't have much time to interact with the girl. She had a few hours tops to get her awake.

Shoving her way into the supply room, Beth booked it over to the medicine locker. She was quick to unlock it, fumbling the key in her hand in her haste. She worried that she would run out of time, that O'Donnell would kill the girl in exam room two before she even had a chance to get there.

Once Beth had managed to grab ahold of the needed medication, a healthy dose of adrenaline and an immense amount of painkillers, for after she woke, she closed the medicine locker, locked it up tight and took off towards exam room two. Beth tried her very hardest to seem inconspicuous as she hurried down the halls.

She waved at those she passed, putting on her usual chipper face. Everyone bought it. Of course they did. Why would they not? No one had any reason to doubt that Beth was being fake, she always seemed grateful for being there. Except for when she tried to escape with Noah.

That had tarnished her reputation just a bit. But Dawn had been so desperate to smooth the event over that she'd convinced most that the whole thing had been Noah's idea. That he'd forced Beth to help and that's why she'd done it. The anger at Beth for trying to run away had shifted to pity, most feeling bad for the poor girl having been forced to leave a place she loved.

Of course, none of this was true. Beth hated it here, Grady Memorial would never be home. Not so long as it kept her from finding her family.

Beth brushed these thoughts aside as she reached exam room two, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear and slowly opening the door. She shut it behind her, locking it as well, she didn't know when Edwards would be coming around to turn the machines off.

Beth looked down at her, noticing her pale skin, the tube shoved down her throat to help her breathe. She looked dead already. Beth would have believed if you said she was gone if it weren't for the steady beeping coming from the heart monitor to her left.

While it was true that she looked dead, she also looked pained and scared. Her eyes were shut tight and Beth could see her eyes darting around behind the lids, like she was fighting through a particularly awful nightmare. Beth reached for her hand, aching to comfort her. She recognized the pain the girl was in. She recognized the feeling of being trapped in a nightmare you couldn't escape from. She recognized the five lines marked on the girls left forearm.

While she stared at the girl, she noticed the beeping of the machines around begin to slow. Beth shook her head, returning to reality and starting to panic. The girl was dying. Right here, right now. She was fading out right in front of her.

In a panic, Beth quickly shoved the adrenaline needle into the girl's thigh, hoping and praying that it would be enough for the girl to pull out of this on her own.

Beth waited a moment, the plunger of the shot pushed all the way down by her thumb. Steadily, the beeping of the machine sped up. The monitors tracked the girl coming back from the brink, showed her start to regain a normal heartbeat.

Beth smiled to herself, nodding her head, then turned and left the room. She'd done all she could, the rest was up to the girl.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘐𝘐 Where stories live. Discover now