13: Somewhere II

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Part 2

Getting out of the hospital bed had been Girl's first challenge. The next had been explaining to Dawn why exactly she couldn't speak. This was a considerable issue, given the fact that in succession, every one of Girl's attempted answers was met by an even angrier glare. the one-sided conversation had lasted so long that Girl had sat back down on the bed, feeling too overwhelmed standing up.

Eventually though, Dawn got the memo and gave Girl a curt nod, seemingly accepting her lack of speech, at least for the time being.

"Well, you don't need to speak to be able to help out around here. Now that you're awake, you'll be expected to work off your debt," Dawn spoke, carefully inspecting Girl for any sign of resistance to the idea.

Girl squinted her eyes in confusion for a moment, but nodded nonetheless, silently agreeing that she'd heard and u derstood Dawn's words.

"Good, you'll need someone to show you around, we've got a couple of others here like you that would most likely be up to the-"

"She's awake? Really? No, let me through-"

Both Girl and Dawn looked to the door as the commotion from the hallway traveled into the room. Dawn sighed, but seemed to have a small smile on her face, Girl only at red on with a mild uncertainty.

A girl came rushing into the exam room, her cheeks flushed and her creating seeming somewhat erratic, as if she'd run there or someone had tried to stop her from entering.

She looked close to Girl's age, her blonde hair reaching her mid back and her soft face looking somewhat familiar. She wore nurse's scrubs, a light blue color that brought our her bright green eyes. The hint of familiarity made Girl pause, for the past while, anything that seemed even slightly familiar had been a cue that she was still stuck in her neverending chain of nightmares. Girl discreetly pinched herself sighing in relief when the pain courses from the spot, convincing her for now that she was no longer asleep.

Though Girl was having trouble placing from where it was that she recognized the new arrival, she found herself examining her features and wracking her brain for anything that she could put a name to. Her face was bruised, looking like she had a healing black eye. She also sported a scabbed over gash across her cheek.

A thought suddenly popped into Girl's head regarding the identity of the girl in front of her: 'Maybe Susie had known her?'

Before Girl could think any more on the subject, the girl burst out speaking again, directing her words at Dawn, but not daring to move her eyes away from Girl, almost as if she was afraid if she looked away, Girl would vanish in a puff of smoke.

"How long has she been up? Did something happen? They didn't pull her plugs before she got up did they? I swear I haven't touched anything since I left, she should be fine, right? Has Doctor Edwards looked at her yet? Has she been out of-"

The girl suddenly paused in her rambles, finally looking away from Girl to glance at Dawn for a moment. She looked back to Girl not even a second later, seeming to come to her sense and settle down.

"Sorry, you don't even know me," she said, taking a few steps towards Girl, "Beth," she introduced, holding out a hand.

Girl's eyes widened in shock.


Could it be?

The Beth?

Girl blanched, finally realizing that she'd just been sitting there staring. She pulled her right hand forward, hesitating when she was once again met with the whole arm being wrapped in bandages.

Fucking Gareth.

Girl groaned, pushing past this and grasping Beth's hand anyways, shaking it firmly.

"She hasn't spoken yet," Dawn said firmly, "but she only just woke up. She'll probably come around."

Girl winced, knowing this probably wasn't true. As much as she'd like to speak again, her voice still remained elusive.

Beth's face softened at the sight, stepping forward to Girl's aid.

"Maybe she can't."

Girl nodded, pointing to Beth as to say that the girl was correct.

"Can't speak? Mute?" Dawn asked.

Girl sighed, nodding at the technically correct term.

"Can't speak," Dawn mused, "won't stop you from listening, right?"

Girl nodded again, sitting up straighter as she felt she was being scrutinized.

"Good. Beth, get her up and around, meet me in my office."

Without another word, Dawn was gone, striding out of the room and down the hall.

"Sorry about her," Beth said softly, "she can be a little much."

Girl nodded, steeling herself as she went to get up from the bed again. It hadn't been so fun last time, and she didn't know how well it'd go this time.

"Here, let me help," Beth said, assisting Girl in standing.

Girl smiled at Beth as a means of thanks, stabilizing herself on her feet. Beth slipped away for a moment, reappearing soon after with a pair of scrubs in her hands.

"You can wear these, they're probably more comfortable than that," Beth said, gesturing to Girl's hospital gown.

Girl nodded, not hesitating to change into the clothes Beth had given her. Beth turned away, pulling something off the wall and looking back to Girl, finding her changed.

Beth had given her a long sleeve shirt with some blue scrubs to go on top.

Beth passed a whiteboard and marker to Girl as well, showing her what she'd pulled off the wall.

"Can you tell me your name?" Beth asked.

Girl hesitated.

What should she say?


Or Susanna?

She wasn't quite sure which was the right answer.

She knew that this far, she'd been thinking of Susanna in the third person.

There was no way she could be Susie again, at least not now.

Beth saw the hesitation in Girl's eyes, starting to feel bad for her.

"Do you know your name?" Beth asked.

Girl nodded, then shrugged, not sure how to explain her situation.

She decided that she should press Beth for answers first, then decide on how to tell the girl that she didn't know how to share what her name was.

Beth Greene?

"How do you know that?" Beth asked, staring down at the whiteboard.


"You know Daryl?" Beth asked hopefully.

He's been looking for you. Told me about you. Group is together. Maggie is there.

"Maggie's alive?" Beth breathed. Girl nodded, a soft smile on her face.

"And you're with them? They took you from the group?" Beth asked, wanting to know as much as she could.

Yes. But we're gonna get back to them. We're busting out of here.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘐𝘐 Where stories live. Discover now