Chapter 5 || The Moon will Shine

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Emuri woke up, she stretched herself, and yawned. She got off of her bed and looked at the clock. It was 8:00 PM. 2 hours left until it hits 10:00 PM.

"8pm..? I still have more time for the Masquerade Ball. I wonder what the others are doing now.. Maybe I'll check the Theatre Room. But first, I need to change my clothes."

Emuri went to the changer room to change her clothes. She went out of her room and started walking. She was feeling a bit tired. So far, no people have been around encountering her yet.

Emuri walked to the Theatre Room. The lights were turned on. Black Lord was there on stage with the other two random people. One person has light yellow hair wearing a white and yellow venetian mask. The other one seems to have black and dark pastel purple hair. His face was covered as he was wearing a mask as well. His right eye has a crescent purple moon.

Emuri was confused about who they were. But she took a seat when there weren't any audiences around.

"You two will be working together on performing and dancing. Don't be shy, I know you can face your fears." Black Lord said.

"Oooooo, there is a person here!"

Black Lord turned around and saw Emuri.

"Ah, Ms. Boyle, how was your sleep?"

"My sleep was alright." Emuri replied.

"That's great! Well, it seems that you haven't met two people that are on stage behind me, right? Well, introduce yourselves, you two."

Emuri looked at the person on the left.

"Well, hello there, person! My name is Sunbeam. I like to brighten people's day and make them smile. I'm usually an entertainer here."

Emuri looked at the person on the right. The person seemed to cross his arms.

"Hello, my name is Moonfall. I was a warrior performer for Black Lord for 3 - 4 years. I take care of things around here. But I am mostly active around nighttime as I do my night shift."

"Well, hello, my name is Emuri. I am new around this building, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Being friendly to each other, eh? I'm glad you 3 get along." Black Lord said.

"We'll sure get along!" Sunbeam replied.

Moonfall nodded.

"It's 8:23 PM right now, be prepared you two. Now you Ms. Boyle, have fun with them." Black Lord said and left the Theatre Room.

Emuri looked at the two people.

"Hey buddy, why not check out my poem that I wrote here? It's interesting." Moonfall said.

Emuri replied. "Sure, I won't mind reading."

Moonfall gets off the stage and takes the paper out and gives it to Emuri. Emuri reads the poem.

The moonlight shines
He rised
Escaping the bright lights

Moon shined bright
Over the fright
Only once a time
Now it's a dime

Seeing the stars
Hovering over the hills
Inflow the skies
Not only one
Either Eleven
So be Seven

"Oh wow, what a nice poem." Emuri said.

"Thank you, mind if I have my poem back?" Moonfall replied.

Emuri gave the poem back to Moonfall. As she gave it to Moonfall, her stomach grumble as she was hungry.

"Oop- Well, I'm hungry for food." Emuri said.

"Oh, oh! I can lead you to the kitchen if you like new visitor! Leave it to me!" Sunbeam said.

Emuri giggled. "Alright, alright, you can lead me the way you happy cinnamon roll."

"Alright, follow me!" Sunbeam hopped off of the stage and runs out of the Theatre room. Emuri gets off of the seat and goes after him.

As they got to the kitchen, Sunbeam started to make food for Emuri. Emuri took a seat and waited patiently. 20 minutes later, Sunbeam was finished making food and goes to the table and places it on the table infront of Emuri.

"Enjoy!" Sunbeam said. And he gave a spoon and a fork to Emuri and a napkin. Emuri started eating.

25 minutes later, it was 9:15 PM. Emuri was finished with the food. She grabs the dish and a spoon and a fork and goes to the sink and places the items there and left.

As she walked out, she remembered what Fio told her from where he would be. She decided to go to the balcony to have a chat with him. But it seemed pretty lost at this point.

2 minutes of searching, she finally got to the balcony. She saw Fio sitting down and looking at the sky. She sat down with him.

"Hello." Emuri replied.

Fio noticed Emuri. "Oh hello there."

"What are you doing?" Emuri said.

Fio replied. "Oh, I was looking at the sky where the crescent moon arise. The stars shine bright that I could look at the sky.. Forever."

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