XII. ʜᴜɴɢᴏᴠᴇʀ

341 20 1

( .˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ . )

The beeping of my alarm clock rang through the small room. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ignore the ringing sensation coursing through my head. After a few minutes, I got fed up listening to the sound of the alarm. My eyes twitched open as I groaned. I reached beside my bed, clasping a small plastic water bottle. Aggressively, I twisted the cap off, guzzling every last drop of week old water, not caring for the taste. I quickly slammed my alarm off, hoping it would subside the ringing. I pulled myself out of my bed, trying to balance on my shaking legs, to no avail. Almost immediately, I collapsed on the floor.

"Shit," I groaned, laying on the cold wooden dorm floor. I listened to the sound of my raspy breathing, having no energy or motivation to move.

My eyes glanced at the clock on my wall. Seeing there were only ten minutes till school started I sat up, trying to garner some motivation. For a second time, I pulled myself up, successfully balancing on my weak legs. Only after a few seconds, I felt a churning of my stomach. I could easily anticipate the next few moments, so I rushed over to the bathroom. Hunched over, more and more liquid came out of my mouth. After seemingly emptying all my insides, the vomiting stopped. My back rested on the cold bathroom walls. I closed my eyes, rubbing my temple.

"I really shouldn't drink as much," I moaned, ignoring the raspy feeling in my throat.

An aggressive knock at my door aggravated my headache. The knocking continued, making it hard to ignore. I unsteadily stood up, slowly making my way to the noise, using the walls as balance. My hand reached out, reluctantly opening the door.

"God what took you so- jesus you look disgusting."
Cassie stated, looking me up and down.

I stared at my blonde friend, having no energy to talk- especially not to her. Her beauty almost blinding my frail eyes.

"Get ready, homeroom starts soon."

"I'm.." I winced, my throat tightening as I talked, "I'm not going."

"Why?" She asked.

I raised my eyebrow at the question. "Isn't it obvious?"
"I'm sick." I responded, biting my tongue as I spoke.

She rolled her eyes, furrowing her thin eyebrows. Without a word, she walked off, not sparing me a second glance. I watched as she walked off and then hastily closed the door.

I managed to make it so my bed before collapsing. My heavy eyes fell shut. Every bone in my body was weak and aching. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, struggling to find any position that felt even remotely comfortable.

After what seemed like years, I felt myself drifting into unconsciousness.


A soft knock, which shortly turned more aggressive, woke me from my slumber. I ignored it, turned my body against the door and closing my eyes again, but the knocking didn't go away.

"Y/n?" A voice called - one I recognised and almost immediately my eyes flew open. I hastily sat up, causing my head to spin.

"Kaito?" I thought, slowly removing myself from the covers. I waddled over to the door, stopping for a moment to look in the mirror and wince at the state of myself. I almost contemplated not answering the door, but another desperate call from the green-eyed boy made me answer.

"Y/n," he sighed. The high sun gleamed through the empty wooden halls, glistening on his skin. The bright light was a stark contrast to my dim room, making me squint.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, cringing at the croak in my voice.

"I didn't see you in English and then Killian," he tensed saying his name, forcing it out of his mouth like it was a bitter taste, "was asking where you were, so I knew something was wrong."

"What do you mean?" My arms defensively crossed over my body at his last words. A motion that he noticed and he sighed, a hand running through his soft blonde hair.

"Nothing, Y/n. It's just.. you two seem very close lately."

"Yeah. We're friends."

Kaito's eyes glanced into mine before taking in the rest of my form. He stayed silent for a few moments before raising his right hand, revealing a plastic bag. "I brought some things for your hangover. I figured you might need it from the amount you drank yesterday."

As much as I wanted to slam the door in his face, turn around and go back to rot in my bed, I couldn't ignore the throbbing sensation in my head any longer or the emptiness of my stomach.

I opened the door wider and stepped to the side, beckoning him to come in. A playful smirk plastered on his face as he stepped into my small dorm room. He placed the bag on my desk as I sat on my mattress, admiring him as he took out several things from his bag, including f/f (favourite food). I perked up at the sight, and eagerly watched as he came closer with the food and medicine.

"Take this first," Kaito stated, handing some pills to me and a bottle of water. "It'll help with.. everything really."

I mouthed a thank you before taking it and scuffed down the food the moment he handed it to me. His soft laughs made way to my ears, and a soft blush fled to my face.

We sat in silence for a while, both of us sitting on my bed, me and Kaito on opposite ends.

"I'm sorry," he finally broke the silence, and I looked up at him, confused. "About what I said at the party.. about you and Killian." I said nothing in response and just swallowed my mouthful of food. "It's just.. I don't trust him."


He sighed, "I don't know. Just the way hes always lurking in the background and how he's constantly hovering around you. I-I don't want him to do anything to you."

I scoffed, looking down at the food I was now playing with in order to avoid eye contact with the blonde boy. "He wouldn't do anything, he's nice."

"You don't know that."

"Why do you even care?" I raised my voice, finally meeting his eyes. Kaito didn't say anything, just staring into my eyes intensely, the silence choking the air surrounding us.

"Forget it." He finally stated, getting up hastily and making his way to the door. He hesitated a second and without looking back he spoke. "Take two pills every three to fours hours - and drink the smoothie in the bag, it's good for you." With that he left the room, gently closing the door behind his tall figure. I listened to the sounds of his heavy footsteps echo down the halls. I pinched the bridge of my nose, confused by that interaction.

I let out a deep sigh, eating my food at a slow pace in silence, my mind too deep in thought. A very faint noise snapped me out of my trance, and I quickly looked toward the noise - my door. A straight crisp note lay on the wooden floor. I crawled over to it, inspecting the note before carefully opening it.

It read,

"Stay away from him."

- SA

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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𝐍𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐔𝐓, 𝐍𝐎 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 || yandere x f. reader ||Where stories live. Discover now