Bulgaria (Part 2)

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Laying sound asleep upon her bed Katerina could barely hear the sounds of the Bulgarian open market that was a few block away from where they spent the night, after such a long and arduous trip she felt like sleeping in.

"Katerina time fer yeh to wake up" Hagrid knocked upon her door, groaning under her breath she threw the closest pillow at the door "go away, need more sleep" she shouted incoherently, whenever Katerina was really tired she never made much sense "no can do we have to get yehr stuff" groaning under her breath she dragged herself out of bed "fine be down there in a bit!".

One she was fully dressed and clean Katerina practically sprinted down the stairs, her excitement for the day ahead of her granted her enough energy to snap out of her Zombie like state "ok let's go!" She grinned as she ran past Hagrid. For the other the guests Katerina looked like a five year old hyped up on sugar "excited are yeh?" Hagrid asked teasingly "not really, I just want to get this shopping thing over with" Kat lied making Hagrid chuckle, it was more than clear that she was jubilant to be on this new adventure "let's go then".

Walking across the crowded market turned out to be easier, of course, it was mainly because of Hagrid's gigantic size which successfully parted the crowd.

"Now we need to get yeh...yehr school cloaks, a cauldron, quills, some books-how about we split it?" He offered "sure, just tear it down the half and we'll meet here around six?" Nodding his head Katerina and Hagrid parted ways.

Looking down at her half she noticed the first item was actually rather simple "school cloaks" scanning the crammed street she noticed the store she was looking for was only a few feet away.

Making her way across the crowd turned out to be harder without Hagrid, but once she had made it inside she couldn't help but the feel accomplished "hello dear may I help you?" Turning towards the woman behind the counter Katerina smiled "yes I am looking for Durmstrang school cloaks-" "you must be Katerina, I was told you might show up, wait here".

Watching as the old woman faded behind the shelves her eyes skimmed across the store, it's dingy smell clinging to her nose "there we are, they're already paid for" she explained as she handed Katerina the bag "thank you" she whispered before walking out.

Looking down at her list once more she then set off to complete the rest of her task.

Six o'clock came around sooner than expected, nevertheless there stood Katerina waiting for Hagrid to show up at the agreed location "there yeh are" he smiled as soon as he spotted her "Hagrid I'm right where we said we would meet" nodding his head he smiled sheepishly "right of course, right then shall we head back?" Shaking her head yes Kat took a few bags from Hagrid's hands before following him back to the Hotel.

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