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Waking up with twigs in her hair and a blood drenched shirt was not something Katerina wanted to do. Each and every one of her joints ached as she pushed herself to stand. Immediately there after her stomach growled, the sound echoed across the woods like the growl of a feral beast.

Sadly there was not much time for that she thought bitterly, the next task was approaching and failure to attend and success was a greater failure in her eyes, as for Dumbledore had placed a great responsibility on her shoulders. Fluttering her eyes shut she tried to think of a way to go back to Drumstrang, she could not use the sun nor star because of the many spells hiding the castle, apparating was also not a choice as for the aforementioned spells guarding the castle.

She racked her brain for various ideas and everything from potions and spells to muggle technology would be useless. Frustrated and bitter she punched the nearest tree, her fist leaving a hole in the bark. She was a gifted witch and a Dramir!!! If there was anyone who could find her way back it should be her!!!

Then it finally hit her...she was a Dramir, how could she not have thought of that before! It was perfect! Marfil her small dragon held the key to either failure or success. Grinning like a mad woman she tried to suppress the urge of screaming out in joy, oh how foolish she had been! It was her bond between Marfil and herself that would lead her back to Drumstrang.

Fluttering her eyes shut she concentrated on the small dragon picturing it in her mind. It was sleeping, its scales glistening beneath the sun. Lifting one of her hand she moved it as if to touch her, the creature's eyes snapped open, it knew she was here. With a smile on her face, she caressed the small dragons head "where are you? Lead me to you"

The small creature understood her words and shut her eyes before becoming a flame, she was becoming a beacon in Katerina's mind for her to follow. Smiling in gratitude she snapped her eyes open and there it was, a small ball of flames shaped into a dragon. Its wings flapped slowly casting away any of the remaining shadows upon the woods.

Taking a step forward she allowed the being to move ahead of her, it was such a beautiful thing she thought, a small smile slipped on her face as she tried to approach the flames but as fate would have it every time it was at her fingers grasp it moved two feet ahead of her.As she kept walking Katerina's longing for the wild flames grew, her body called out even for the small heat which was emanating from the small fiery creature.

The surrounding woods were quiet, all signs of living creatures seemed to be non-existent as she tracked through the forest...everything seemed so serene. Running one hand through the wild mess of curls she sighed, this was taking more time than she had thought it would. Time passed and the nagging feeling in the back of her head returned, the wild creature within her mind raged for release, it knew she was growing tired and the chances of this presence taking control over her body grew.

Clawing at her hair in desperation she felt her body began to shift as she fell to the ground. The dragon within her began to take control all of this due to both her state of mind and body Katerina was exhausted, dehydrated and starved, she felt as if she was slowly losing control. Claws replaced her nails and a tinkling feeling flooded her face as red scales slowly protruded from her face. As her consciousness began to fade, the very last thing Katerina saw before she was consumed by darkness was a great blast of fire.

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