Friends and wizards galore

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Dinner ended and they were all soon dismissed to their chambers by a very calm and joyous Dumbledore, shuffling back to the ship alongside her classmates Katerina made sure to make herself disappear along the now darkened halls of the school. Slithering her way to the Gryffindor common room she was soon greeted by the magnificent twins, Fred and George Weasley "you have something for me?" Katerina asked as she approached them, the twins exchanged a look and dark teasing smiles "yes of course, dear Romeo told us to get this to you" George explained as he handed a small wrapped box, the paper being red with slight golden engravings "to get it to you, in one piece" Fred added, his brother snickering alongside him.

Snatching the box away from his hands Katerina glared at the two "you know it is nothing like that, he doesn't feel like that towards me you idiots" Katerina snapped. The twins glared at each other in disbelief, it seemed like everyone but Bill and Katerina were aware of their feelings for each other.

"You know what Kat? you're right, have a good night" Fred muttered as the two gave her a peck on the cheek "have a good night Kat" they smirked one last time as they went back inside the portrait of the fat lady, leaving Katerina alone with her thoughts and Bill's gift to her. Briefly staring at the box one last time she placed it inside the pocket of her white coat, pulling up the fur accents that were on the neckline of the clothing item she made her way back to the ship.

Hogwarts was as quiet as it could be, with the distant laughter of Peeves his loud shrill voice leaving a rising within her ears, with Marfil still latching onto her shoulders both the Dramir and her dragon flinched as a loud boom echoed somewhere off into the castle, it must have been Peeves again, Katerina thought her hands tracing the stone walls "Katerina Dumbledore" a man greeted her, his low raspy voice making her turn to face him almost immediately "Moody" she greeted back, a small smirk spread upon her face as she greeted her old mentor and now friend.

"Good to see you again" he grumbled, to someone else his gestures and words might have seemed rude and somewhat crude, but to those who were close to the famed auror knew that this was as friendly as he ever got "you too, it has been quiete some time has it not?" Katerina spoke, her hands crossed behind her back as she idly approached the man, her eyes flashing into a bright shade of orange and red for a brief second "it has" the two continued to stare at each other somewhat warily, it was their common dance, short greetings and then down to business; although the matters they dealt with only ranged form classes to duels and finally drinks they soon bid each other farewell and went their own paths. And it was just like that, that the pair bid each other farewell without a second word or thought.

Emerging from the castle Katerina quietly marched up the wooden planks to her school's ship, the Drumstrang's ship was filled with carved dragons and fire. Being intimidating at best the young Dramir's smile widened as she came across a carving that looked much like the dragon that laid spread across her shoulders "Kat" Vicktor greeted her as he emerged from the ship, his loud heavy steps leaving a faint echo as he approached her. Taking a deep breath to simply calm herself she turned to face Krum, the very self entitled and flirty quidditch player that had recently become infatuated with her "it is cold, where have you been?" Krum questioned as he came to stand next to Katerina, his somewhat concerned gaze piercing her soul "what is that?"

Katerina turned to stare down at the box in her hands, Bill's gift brought a warm in her hands, the small golden accents shinning under the moonlight and the light of the ship's torches "a gift"

"From a friend?" he asked, a slight trace of jealousy lingered somewhat hidden within the layers of his dark accent "yes, a friend of sorts" she answered uncertainly, Fred and Geroge's words lingering in the back of her mind "Now if you don't mind I'll be going to sleep now" and that what that, taking her leave Katerina marched back inside the ship, her chambers were one of the closest ones to the entrance, her name being carved on the door much like everyone else's. Pushing the door open she stumbled inside the room, watching Marfil fly overhead the small dragon landed on the bed and immediatly went to sleep, the young witch chuckled as she let her hair loose, her long locks of hair falling freely across her back "you are such a lazy little dragon aren't you?" Katerina muttered lovingly as she placed Bill's gift to her on the vanity table, her eyer morphing into those of a dragon when Marfil let out a soft huff.

Letting her eyes travel across the room she smiled, she loved seeing everything with her dragon sight, everything was much sharper and cleaner in her eyes; her magical abilities allowing her eyes to see beyond miles away and in the dark, comunicate with dragons as well as bond with them and inhabit their bodies, control fire like and elemental, enhanced strenght and speed amongst many many other abilities. Dramir's were powerful and feared beings, wizards that grew from certain bloodlines.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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