~guys in hoods~

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It was a guy wearing fully black clothes and a purple mask so I couldn't make out who it was.

I started screaming until he pushed a piece of fabric in my mouth making me gag only at the thought of where this could've come from.

After that, I started kicking him hoping he would let me alone but then three more dudes showed up.

I probably fainted after this cause the next thing I remember is me in a weird dark garage, with this group of men over my head talking to each other.

They had taken off their masks.

One of them was Caleb which wasn't too surprising considering the things Ben told us.

The other guys were unfamiliar but I made out a face in the back of the room.

No. It can't be.

It was Nick dressed up as the rest of them but he was sitting down on the ground, curled up hugging his legs, and crying.

My eyes started to tear up as I screamed at him whatever nonsense came out my mouth trying to get an explanation out of him.

I felt like I couldn't breathe which made things worse. Furthermore, my whole body had gone numb.

Suddenly I heard the police sirens outside the place we were in and all the dudes started panicking.

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