31. Attempt on redeeming a (my) home

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Seeking for a prospect of reconciliation
Between me and these parts that carry me;
A being persisting_remaining.
A retirement sanctuary_
with my assailant, my love, my body
Where the beam of my toothy grin is artless to guile disguises
The smile sudden
Alerting of the velocity erupting from this carrion;
Ran to the throat of soils, muzzled upon

These parts; sowed in every direction,
Mislead by inbred insecureness
Start to undress their crooks to me;
Spurs of folly
Bougainvillea briers of ariose athirst
To something beyond the vulnerability my bones used so ordinarily to snap for
A shifty want prospers
Same as the rutilant eye of that rufous, thick tailed vixen;
Predatory, starving to be fed a blackberry shred of appeasement
Ledged-out from a bronze martyr akin to my resemblance

Moving in a lavender dormant current without the breath reluctant
Water foams and sea-salt stewing my person
I gulp myselfs
Drown, overlooking how smooth my own crime feels in the prime of demise;
Brazen-faced, willing in my own chest_
I take a breath_
Guzzle teal lack of esteem and self-pity
Drown a second
Then a few times more
Till I die a body
Bury the me I considered to be loved in parts


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