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COUNTING HER TIPS FOR her first routine, she got ready for the next show — and when a familiar song began blasting from outside the locker room, she knew it was time.
A small cheer emerged from the crowd, a rather large crowd for that matter.

She didn't work in a rundown, shack-like club, instead in a two story, recently remodeled to the latest lighting tech and filled to the absolute brim with rather rich clients and visitors.
It wasn't necessarily a stripclub, the main idea being a bar, as there was seating practically everywhere.

The stage in the middle of the first floor was only for entertainment, she was meant for entertaining. Though she managed to turn the stage into the main attraction everytime.
The club became a frequent visiting spot for celebrities, and the richest of L.A.

Though she'd done her routine too many times to count now, the feeling of being watched sent shivers up her arms when she danced.
An unfamiliar feeling, as she wasn't one to get stage fright.

It wasn't until she turned around from having her back to the crowd that she realized the source of the strange feeling.

Right in the front row, sitting at a table alone, sat a familiar face.

He was all too familiar, his clothes that practically draped around his body, and that piercing that highlighted his smirk so much.
His braids were in a low bun, a few strands sticking out to accentuate the 'thrown-together' look that he pulled off so well.

Tom wasn't paying attention, chatting it away with two others at a table. [Y/N] tried to ignore his presence, as he didn't notice hers.

It was going well, her routine almost over when he suddenly snapped his head around when the guy he was talking with pointed at her.
[Y/N] made eye contact with him, her smile dropping ever so slightly.
While his? His was as wide as it could be.

She tried to ignore him for the rest of her routine, how he sat in his chair, laid back and his tongue dancing around his lip ring. He was certainly enjoying the show, and for once, [Y/N] wished he weren't.

She wasn't sure why Tom watching her made her so uneasy.

Given the fact she'd only met him today, so much for first impressions. A part of her wished him visiting Georg's work was a one-time thing, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed.
Still, watching the show makes you a customer, which puts her on the higher end of the situation.

At least it wasn't entirely embarrassing.

When [Y/N] was done, she couldn't be more glad. The stage was full of crumpled bills to the point of which she couldn't even see the flooring.
She caught Tom's eye again, he gave her a wide smile, letting a few 100's fall from his hand and onto the stage.

She didn't smile back, in fact, she didn't do more than simply glance at him. Sure, the gesture caught her off-guard, casually dropping a thousand dollars like that.
[Y/N] brushed it off, she didn't want to give Tom the reaction she was sure he hoped for, now that she really knew what kind of person he was.

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