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SHE STOOD IN FRONT of the recording studio, a different one.
This one was much smaller, only one floor, yet a decent size as it was operating for the sole purpose of serving 'Tokio Hotel'.

[Y/N] figured they must have made it pretty big by now if they had their own studio, though she figured she'd have to get used to the sight of it in light of her new job.
Today was her first day.

A week since she'd gotten the news that she was the new hire, and she'd admit, she'd been a bit giddy knowing she'd work alongside people she knew.
Entering the studio, it looked simple enough for her not to get lost, a small reception desk in the middle of the main room, two hallways on either side.

Checking in at the desk, she was handed a lanyard with her employee ID.
Smiling at it, she thanked the woman at the desk before heading for the room she was told to go to.

On the left hallway, she navigated the about five rooms, almost all of them with large glass doors in which you could see inside.
They looked like standard recording studios, all this different instruments inside.

Though no one was there, she supposed she went into the wrong hallway. — And that she did, within the first few rooms of the right hallway she saw a couple of staff.

Pulling her lanyard over her head, she adjusted the card to sit upright before pushing the door open.

"— And you know how to set up the speakers?"

[Y/N] nodded, "Mhm."

"Electric drum amps?"

She nodded.

"Guitar amps?"

[Y/N] scratched the back of her neck, "I should, but these look different.." She replied, examining the different tech on the amps in the guitar room.

Her co-worker pat her shoulder, "That's okay, you'll learn. Its pretty easy actually," She smiled, "— For now, take a break, you've been amazing so far."
Her co-worker was a sweet woman, much older than her, in her fifties possibly.

She learned many people worked in the studio, all different departments. Whether that be the technical crew, the social marketing, graphic design, [Y/N] learned her position was to be atop all of that.
It was a big responsibility, but it all truly lied in the hands of the manager.

The manager in which was on leave, which through the grapevine she'd learned was due to an accident.
She wished him well, but decided to enjoy being able to wear the big 'manager' name tag on her shirt.

Being assistant manager, she was like a little personal servant to the actual band members. Setting up their equipment when needed, getting their lunch, it was all a little insane to her. — But if getting McDonald's and plugging in an amp was all she needed to do, she was ecstatic.

Especially because of the pay, which she learned was absolutely livable, but she was hesitant on quitting her second job.
Sure, living paycheck to paycheck wouldn't be in the picture if she did quit, but [Y/N] was guilty of enjoying a little luxury in her daily life.
A little extra income was ideal.

Finally finding the break room, she was surprised to see familiar faces at one of the tables.
Georg looked stressed if not bored, holding his head in his hands as staff members sat on either side of him.
They were pointing to words on a binder, which was flipped open and almost overfilled of scribbled paper.

6 STRINGS. [ TOM KAULITZ ] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora