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HER HEAD WAS KILLING her, the throbbing pain of last night's headache engraved in her mind.
She sat up in her bed, her attire from the night before still on.

Taking a moment to process everything, she recollected memories from the party.
Bill was there, something about piercings?

Cookies.. Georg and Tom..


[Y/N] almost gasped aloud, the memory of being dragged to her apartment while she talked incoherently was so vivid now.
"Shit." She held her face in her hands as she sat in  silence, embarrassed at her own actions.

She contemplated cutting all contact at some point, but decided to face her actions and move on.
She reached for her phone, her fingers tense as she tried to think of what to say.

Sorry about last night, tell Tom and Bill I said thanks.

She stared at the message.

Sorry about last night.

Running a hand through her hair, she contemplated it.

She scratched the back of her neck, while she did, she flinched at a small pain that struck her when she brushed over a specific spot.
Curious, she pressed it, a bruise?

[Y/N] stumbled over to her vanity, looking at her reflection, her makeup was still intact. — With the exception of her lipstick, and a few mascara highlighted tears running down her cheeks.

As for the bruise, it wasn't one. But two, three, four, she uncovered more tiny bruises along her neck as she turned her head.
Confused for the most part, her face turned to one of shock when she realized what they were.

[Y/N] was sure she hadn't been stupid enough last night to earn hickies from anyone, her memory vivid of almost everything.
The only blank spaces in her memory were being driven, and anything after conversing with Bill. — And entering the elevator with Tom.

Shuddering, she quickly turned away from the mirror.
She paced around the room, desperate for something to distract herself with.

Sitting again on her bed, she continued typing a message to Georg.

Sorry about last night, tell the twins I said thank you.

She sent it, immediately turning her phone off. Hopefully Georg's time at the party wasn't cut short due to her.
Looking at the clock on her nightstand, she had until 12 A.M. to relax before her work.

Sighing heavily, [Y/N] wanted to call in sick. Her hangover wasn't the worst, a painkiller and good breakfast would do the trick.
She supposed working that night would take her mind off.. it.

[Y/N] groaned heavily, laying back down. "Just tonight." She told herself, eventually finding the strength to convince herself to go to work later on in the day.

Clocking in, the overbearing music of the club outside the changing rooms was already annoying her.

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