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Entering the venue was awkward at best, being led through backstage while every other staff member stopped her — thinking she was a fan who'd snuck in.

"You came," Tom smiled, eyeing his friend "Wow."
[Y/N] rolled her eyes, "For Bill."

Tom's smile dropped, giving his laughing brother a dirty look before shrugging, "You won't be saying that later."

"Shut up, Tom." Georg interrupted.

Georg had the courtesy of having a hand on her shoulder, being the one closest to her.
It took a lot of convincing on Bill's part, texting [Y/N] through Georg's phone to get her to come.

She'd already said yes at the club when Tom offered, though last minute jitters got the best of her.
Bill managed to partially guilt-trip her, pulling the 'you're my only friend' card.

[Y/N] knew that wasn't true, considering he was a smiling mess when around his band members. Though even if it was true, she wondered how hard it was to make friends when you're Bill Kaulitz.

Speaking of Bill, [Y/N] almost jumped when she saw him.
Not having seen him in a week, he'd certainly taken the time to make some changes.

What was his medium length dreads was now an updo of his natural hair cut much shorter, the sides shaved.
She was taken aback at the sudden change, but she wouldn't lie saying he didn't pull it off.

"You don't like it?" Bill asked worryingly, lightly patting his hair with both hands.

[Y/N] shook her head, "I like it, you look good." She replied quickly, "It's new."
Bill smiled at her response, his expression turning to one of annoyance when a staff member came along to rush him.

[Y/N] stood awkwardly, as if she weren't supposed to be there — which in her opinion, she wasn't.
Before all the rush of getting the four on stage, she briefly met the drummer, Gustav.

He was certainly of the stoic type, or may it possibly be he wasn't a social butterfly around those he didn't know.
Either way, [Y/N] didn't blame him, happy to meet him anyway.

Once showtime was within the hour, she was escorted out to the pit.
The crowd was much larger than she would've anticipated, loud chatter filling her ears and tons of signs being held up.

With the VIP lanyard around her neck, she was in front of the barrier, a few other girls with her.
The lack of people in the VIP section made her puzzled, it made her wonder how expensive the lanyard she wore really was.

The concert had started, their entrance evoking screams in the crowd, a few.. undergarments thrown on the stage.
[Y/N] was surprised, but she tried her best to cheer with the same energy in honor of her friends.

She'd admit their music was different than what she'd expected, and she'd admit with Bill's appearance she expected something heavier.

The four were talented, Bill's stage presence captivating. [Y/N] could admit she knew why they were so famous anyway, even if seeing the huge crowd made her a little self conscious on the fact that they were so famous.

Hanging out with them so casually, she really didn't see it as a big deal; seeing so many people scream just to see them on a stage, she was realizing how big of a deal it really was.
She was sure it wouldn't change the way she saw them, and she was sure it wouldn't change the way they saw her as they'd been performing almost every week while in L.A.

She freed herself from her own train of thought just as the next song started, they must've been 4 songs in at that point.
Though she was never a fan of such loudness, she found herself enjoying the concert.

Said enjoyment soon crashed and set fire when Bill looked her way, a small hand motion signaling she come on stage.
[Y/N] immediately shook her head, pointing her head to the screaming fangirl beside her.

Shrugging, Bill approached the edge of the stage, pointing to the girl instead.
When he did, Tom played a wrong note, making Bill look over to him. — Tom shook his head.

While still reluctant, [Y/N] got offered his hand, Bill smiled widely and it was obvious he wasn't going to let it go.

Taking his hand, her heart rate almost immediately sped up. The reality of the fact that she was about to be up on stage for thousands of people to see didn't exactly soothe her.

Nor her rather striking case of stage fright.

Being up on stage was frightening, though she managed to push her fear to the back of her mind as she was led around.

Ending up on Tom's side of the stage right as the song ended gave Bill something to talk about.

The guitarist smiled as he got down on one knee, [Y/N] raised an eyebrow, confused.
Raising the strap of his guitar over his head, he held it in his hands as he raised it up.

Her jaw dropped as she placed a hand on her heart sarcastically, Tom lightly laughing and shaking his head.

The crowd roared, a flash from backstage shuttered, temporarily blinding her. In that moment she felt poorly for them, having to deal with the flashing much, much more than her.
In fact, she didn't deal with it at all if the brightness on the computer screen at work didn't count.

Still confused, [Y/N] laughed nervously, mouthing 'What are you doing?'. Well, she might as well be mouthing it, she was practically shouting as the song kept going on in the back, with the exception of Tom's guitar.

He nudged the guitar towards her, indicating she take it.

Reluctantly, she took it.
When she did, Tom got up, dusting his pants off before uncapping a pen, signing the guitars back with his autograph.
As well as pulling [Y/N] in for a hug when he was done.

Without surprise, the crowd's volume spiked again, shrilling screams filling the air. — She wouldn't lie, it wasn't so scary.

[Y/N] allowed him a side hug, stiff opposed to Tom's fluidness as he practically melted onto [Y/N]'s side.
He enjoyed what he knew was her suffering.
She gave him a knowing look, his smile turning sheepish as he knew he was on thin ice.

It wasn't long until Bill came up behind her, not pausing his singing as he gave her a questioning look.
[Y/N] nodded, letting him guide her off stage, the security guard helping her down.

A hand tapped her shoulder, to which she turned around. It was a girl, a stranger, her red hair in a pixie cut and mascara outlined tears dried on her cheeks.
"You're so lucky!" She screamed, though it was more like a whisper as Tom started strumming along with the song again — effectively making the music louder than what [Y/N] thought was possible.

Lucky. That was a strong word in her opinion. She spared the stranger a wide smile, nodding agreeably.
The guitar she held felt heavier in her hands as she felt eyes on her, though the burning gaze soon retracted as Bill drew the audience's attention again.

Though what she was holding suddenly felt like air, seeing Tom strum a new guitar.

A red one, with a black stripe.

6 STRINGS. [ TOM KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now