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DROPPING A PEN, she groaned loudly. Reaching under the desk, she began crawling around under it as she searched for the disappearing pen.
Once she did, she lifted herself back up, her head colliding with what would've been the hard edge of the desk, instead Georg's hand protecting it.

She got up, rubbing her head. "Thank you." She said quickly, getting back to signing off shipments.
Georg clocked in on the computer, a concerning look on his face.

"Somebody is in a rush." He said, "Do you need help?"

[Y/N] smiled, "It's okay— Oh, what the hell."
Georg turned to follow her gaze, a small mob at the door.
They screamed when Georg looked over.

His eyes widened, turning right back around. [Y/N] raised an eyebrow at his response, "I don't think people are that excited to buy instruments, what'd you do?" She interrogated.

Georg shrugged, "I'm innocent."

Looking back at the door, she was concerned at the people outside, looking and pointing through the door as they chattered loudly amongst themselves.

"How'd they find out where you work?" She muttered.
Georg sighed, flipping his hair off of his shoulder. "I don't know."

[Y/N] pointed to the back door, "Clock out and go." She said, "I can do by myself today."

Her coworker shook his head.

"We've got 5 minutes to open, Georg." [Y/N] replied.

"Leaving." He said sarcastically, walking towards the guitar section.

[Y/N] sighed, crumbling into her chair "Whatever."

Georg was already at the guitar section, getting to registering and tuning them.  She always admired him for that, being fast and responsible.
Truly, she didn't know how she'd run the shop without him. — Even if he went against her better judgement.

Watching the clock, she bit her lip nervously looking at the people outside.
Unfortunately the small crowd didn't dwindle when [Y/N] walked over to unlock the doors.

When she did, the first three people were already inside and brushing last her before she could fully open the first door.
Glaring at them, she regained her balance before opening the other.

Looking back at Georg, who smiled forcefully as he was asked his autograph, [Y/N] kept her laugh to herself.
The fans that didn't approach Georg directly watched from a distance, giggling amongst themselves and giving [Y/N] dirty looks.

The fans were definitely going to be a problem.

"Bad time?" A voice whispered behind her. [Y/N] turned, Bill and Tom looking back at her.

Her eyes widened, "Yes, bad time," She whisper-shouted, "Go."
Tom pat her shoulder, "See you later." He smiled, following Bill back to the car.

As they made their leave, her eye twitched. She was absolutely seeing him later, and she might shoot him for it one day.

Walking through the main floor, [Y/N] chatted with a few clients as they called her over.
The band around her leg was filling up as she stuffed bills she was given.

Her being was simply charming, attracting money like a magnet.
Though a two months rent to a nice apartment was strapped to her leg on a flimsy rubber, she already felt sick of all the creeps encountered that night.

As she made her way to the second floor, the same uneasy feeling spiked, her skin crawling.

Being motioned over, [Y/N] smiled and made her way over.
When she did, a certain gaze caught her eye. Looking in his direction, she almost froze.

Though she supposed it shouldn't be a surprise anymore, looking at Tom with a dismissing gaze before turning back around.
She could see him scoff in the corner of her eye, laughing to herself as she greeted her client.

It wasn't far into the conversation when the manager motioned her over, but she already knew what for.
Checking the time on the clock behind the bar, she made her way downstairs.
The staircase was grand, looking back at Tom through the balcony.

He leaned over the railing, tilting his head as to motion her over.
[Y/N] laughed, shaking her head as she made her way to the private rooms.

She watched his smile drop as she entered the hallway. When she turned around, he got out of his chair.

"What the fuck? Hey— Security!"

As she was escorted out of the room, a raging man was dragged away in the opposite direction. Sighing, she crossed her arms as she leaned against the wall.

Dismissing the security guard, [Y/N] rubbed the mark left on her wrist.
In the moment, she looked for some sense of security — close security.

Looking up at the second floor, Tom's seat was empty.
Scoffing, she grabbed her coat and left for the door. It was stupid to look for Tom in that moment anyway.

He wasn't going to do anything for her. As far as she knew, she didn't want anything from him.

So much for seeing her later.

6 STRINGS. [ TOM KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now