Chapter 6 - Veer

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Standing a few feet away from where he could hear Miraya rustling and the unmistakable sound of peeing, Veer couldn't believe he was standing guard over a grown woman scared to go relieve herself in the bushes.

He could have been halfway to Kesari, delivered the shipment, crashed at a hotel, had a nice, cool shower, and then had a hot meal. Instead, here he stood in the dark, hoping he was uphill to where she was urinating and not soaking his shoes in pee.

Fucking hell.

It's not that he minded. He had helped his nieces and nephews navigate the dark on trips and midnight bathroom visits, stand guard, and assure them he would slay any and all demons.

Kids. Not a fully-grown adult.

Some more rustling, and then her small voice rings out. "I'm done."

"Well, then come here?" He waits for her, but she just stands there, peering into the darkness.

She is either scared of the dark or possibly has poor night vision, or both.

When he makes no move towards her, she sidles up to him, hands outstretched in front of her, patting the dark. He was being a jerk, watching her squint in his direction. Holding back his laughter, he quietly steps closer to her until her hands brush against his chest.

"I'm here." She announces her relief.

Chuckling, he takes her hand, still marveling at her dainty bones. Tugging her back to the jeep, Veer grins at the tiny sounds of 'ohs' and 'oofs' as she stumbles behind him. Her clumsiness makes him laugh harder.

Back inside the jeep, buckled up, and en route once again, he glances at Miraya, watching her fiddle with her bag on her lap. He noticed she always arranged it in a certain way instead of just dumping it on her lap. So damn proper.

In an hour's time, he would be dropping her off at her hotel. These were his last few minutes with her. The thought that he will never see her again flashes through his mind, kicking up a small pang of regret. He shakes his head to dislodge the hollow ache in his gut.

At the hotel, he will tell her not to worry about the money and lecture her some more on being safe. If at all she still insists on paying him back, he will take her up to her room, strip her naked, and make sure she satisfies him multiple times, in multiple ways, all through the night.

He tamps down a groan as lust burns through him.

Right. This is not porn, and you are not that lucky.

Maybe a kiss, he hopes. God, he was dying to kiss that poor lip she loved chewing on. An open-mouthed, tongue-diving, saliva-swapping, deep-throating, mouth-fucking kind of a kiss.

Yeah, he decides firmly that he's definitely going to get one damn kiss before he leaves.

She owed him.

His horny musings are interrupted by the sight of multiple breaklights up ahead. A long line of vehicles stood still on the highway. Far ahead of the jeeps and trucks, he could see a couple of police vans with their red and blue emergency lights flashing soundlessly.

Fuck, what now?

"Stay inside; I'll go check what's up." Locking the jeep behind him, he makes his way to where he could see a crowd creating a ruckus, closer to a row of barricades. The air was heavy with the acrid stink of burning metal and rubber.

He recognizes a few of the other drivers—acquaintances he had made while on the road, stopping for tea, or helping fix punctures.

"Veere! The border ahead is closed. These assholes burned a bus!" Balraj, an older gent with whom he had partnered for shipments early in his career, claps him on the back in greeting as he shouts over the din. Veer, thankful for his height, could see on the other side of the barricades a crowd angrily pushing and shoving, shouting slogans, and the police waving their bamboo sticks. To the side lay a local bus, flames leaping out from the gutted windows, black smoke billowing up furiously.

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