Chapter 8 - Veer

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Miraya made only two calls. To her boss. And some Adi, who is watching Butter. Probably her cat or dog.

No family. No husband. No apparent boyfriend.

Why that was bothering him, he did not want to examine it too closely. He really should be focusing on far more important things, like his missed delivery.

The call to Virat, his brother, who was pissed because they would lose the payment on this order, had not been good. On top of that, he was starving, exhausted from driving all day, and now stuck in this god-forsaken place looking for lodgings.

Except for the phone calls, the drive to Teen Dabba had been in complete silence. Because of his outburst. Uncharacteristic of him, as Veer seldom gave in to temper. He had a long fuse and was well-known for being cool-headed, almost cold.

Aloof. Emotionless.

Since this afternoon, though, he has been nothing but completely riled up. Over this woman—sitting two feet from him, shoulders hunched, looking hard at the night whizzing by her window.

She was a mouse. Probably a pushover. Too fucking polite, she could not say a single sentence without the thank yous and the pleases. She was not smart about her safety. Was a terrible decision-maker. She obviously could not think on her feet, and she had split that damned lip open.

Still. He should not have snarled like that. Everything about her did not upset him.

He certainly liked her tits. Her ass. Her scent. Her soft, posh voice. Her earnestness. And her big cinnamon eyes that projected every anxious emotion so fucking transparently.

Balraj had called to confirm that he had a couple of cans of petrol for their drive in the morning. Veer had a can to spare as well, so their fuel situation should be sorted till they reach Lakhda tomorrow. He had tried to prep Miraya over their fake engagement story—where they met, how long they have known each other, etc. But she had quietly told him she was okay with whatever he wanted to narrate. She would follow along.

His flare-up had alarmed her. Stranded alone with a strange man prone to temper tantrums, she should be scared. But her thank-you-for-being-kind speech had really rankled him. Did she think she could hop off and fend for herself with the police? There was no fucking way he was going to let her do that.

In the end, they did not come across any checkpoints.

Jaggi soon calls to give directions to reach the address, and it takes Veer a few wrong turns before he eventually arrives at a one-story building. He parks his jeep and spots Balraj at the front door of the house with Jaggi and his contact, shaking hands and thumping backs. Veer looks over at Miraya as she fumbles with the seat buckle. She was close to crashing.

Exiting the vehicle, he walks over to her side, leaning over to unbuckle her, pleased when she doesn't shrink away from him. But he wishes she felt an iota of the lust he feels for her. If she shows him even the barest hint, he will be all over her.

He holds out his hand, and she takes it without looking at him, grabs her bag, and hops down.

He likes holding her hand, which he adds to his list. He likes how dainty it is—her slender fingers with short pink nails. He would love to see it wrapped around his stiffening cock.

Fuck. Yeah.

Although Veer was still rattled by his attraction to her, he was starting to enjoy it. Suddenly, he looked forward to spending time with her outside of the jeep. She was his 'fiancee', after all; maybe he will do more than just hold hands. Test her trust in him, he thinks darkly.

Taking a duffle bag out from under her seat, which carried his toiletries and a few spare clothes—an essential when traveling for days on the highway—he tows Miraya through the front gate.

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