Chapter 11 - Miraya

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Okay. She had wanted this. This excitement. This thrill.

To have a virile, completely sexy, thoroughly aroused man poking his engorged shaft between her legs as he devours her like he is starving.

When had that last happened to her?

Never! None of this has ever happened to me.

And, unbelievably, they were both still fully clothed.

The tiny sparks racing under her skin explode at every swipe of Veer's tongue against her t-shirt-covered nipple. The fabric grows damp, the wet stain blooming as he suckles and nibbles hard, his low groans interspersed with her broken whimpers.

Miraya feels as if she has split into two. One-half of her is trapped under Veer, unable to do much except gasp and pant in excited disbelief as he holds her down and torments her with his hands and tongue. The other half is floating somewhere outside of her, looking down in appalled wonder-not just that it was happening to her, but that she had actually instigated it.

Serves you right. Why would you go and sit on him?

She couldn't deny that she had wanted to.

His scowling gruffness was in such irresistible contrast to his considerate kindness that it was hard not to spin her fantasies. All his little acts-drawing water for her bath, loaning her his spare t-shirt, and then the ghee for her chapped lips-had thrown her completely off. Even the towel he had handed her had been dry. Not used, and sodden. That level of consideration wasn't just unexpected; it was unprecedented for her.

Even though his outburst in the jeep had unnerved and frightened her, each time he had taken her hand in his larger, warmer one, she couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like if he were to pull her into his arms. Kiss her, minus his ever-present scowl.

Miraya was fairly certain that, of his own accord, he probably would have never grabbed her. He had had every opportunity to make a move, good and bad, and he hadn't.

But then at dinner, his comment to Jaggi that she wasn't single and Veer would be the only one doing the grabbing and then proceeding to do just that ignited a little flame of desire inside her. His unexpected embrace had surprised her, and it had taken all her willpower not to melt into his strong arms immediately.

It was only after dinner that something kicked alive inside of her. Something unpredictable and wanton. The apprehensions and anxiety that had built up during the day had all melted, leaving her feeling languid and strangely aroused.

Maybe it was that stupid, unable-to-eat-with-fingers comment that had made her so emotional and angry. Or Priya's prattle about marriage and making men happy had triggered a dormant sexual drive that Miraya was not even aware resided within her.

She wanted to make Veer happy.

Or had just wanted to surprise the heck out of him.

Knock that annoying frown off his face.

Not be the timid, nervous Miraya.

And Veer looked even better after his bath. Clean and fresh. Mixed with the soap and tobacco smells was an underlying scent that was just Veer-warm, utterly masculine, and heady. It was intoxicating. Irresistible.

So, yeah. I made a move. My first-ever move!

And it had been totally worth it.

Even in her wildest imagination, she could not have predicted how overwhelming it felt to be in Veer's arms. She will file that memory away and relive it at leisure-that first contact with his muscled solidness as she had settled against him, his warm skin, his mouth-watering scent... their first kiss.

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